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fn panic(info: &::core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
use crate::thread;
let os_can_continue = !cfg!(feature = "panic_handler_crash")
&& crate::thread::InThread::new()
// Panics with IRQs off are fatal because we can't safely re-enable them
.map(|i| i.irq_is_enabled())
// Panics in ISRs are always fatal because continuing in threads would signal to the
// remaining system that the ISR terminated
if !os_can_continue {
// We can't abort on stable -- but even if we could: Set a breakpoint and wait for the
// fault handler to reboot us of no debugger is attached? Spin endlessly? core_panic should
// already answer all these questions.
// Not attempting to print -- it would only get through on devices where stdio is provided
// by a UART, and with these the debugger is usually also close enough that the risk of
// smashing things by overflowing the ISR stack outweighs the benefits.
unsafe {
c"RUST PANIC".as_ptr() as _,
} else {
// I *guess* it's OK for a panic to simply make a thread into a zombie -- this does allow other
// threads (including spawned Rust threads) to continue, but my layman's understanding of
// panicking is that that's OK because whatever we were just mutating can simply never be used
// by someone else ever again.
let me = thread::get_pid();
if cfg!(feature = "panic_handler_format") {
use crate::stdio::println;
"Error in thread {:?} ({}):",
println!("{}", info);
} else {
let mut stdio = crate::stdio::Stdio {};
use core::fmt::Write;
let _ = stdio.write_str("Panic in thread ");
let _ = stdio.write_str(me.get_name().unwrap_or("unnamed"));
let _ = stdio.write_str("!\n");
// Not trying any unwinding -- this thread is just dead, won't be re-claimed, any mutexes it
// holds are just held indefinitely rather than throwing poison errors.
loop {
// We could make this conditional also on panic="abort" and thus enable stable compilation when
// that flag is enabled -- but then again is not
// stable yet so it's kind of moot (and I don't want to introduce yet another crate feature that'll
// largely be untested).
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86", not(panic = "abort")))]
#[lang = "eh_personality"]
fn rust_eh_personality() {
loop {}