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//! # crc
//! Rust implementation of CRC.
//! ### Examples
//! Using a well-known algorithm:
//! ```rust
//! const X25: crc::Crc<u16> = crc::Crc::<u16>::new(&crc::CRC_16_IBM_SDLC);
//! assert_eq!(X25.checksum(b"123456789"), 0x906e);
//! ```
//! Using a custom algorithm:
//! ```rust
//! const CUSTOM_ALG: crc::Algorithm<u16> = crc::Algorithm {
//! width: 16,
//! poly: 0x8005,
//! init: 0xffff,
//! refin: false,
//! refout: false,
//! xorout: 0x0000,
//! check: 0xaee7,
//! residue: 0x0000
//! };
//! let crc = crc::Crc::<u16>::new(&CUSTOM_ALG);
//! let mut digest = crc.digest();
//! digest.update(b"123456789");
//! assert_eq!(digest.finalize(), 0xaee7);
//! ```
pub use crc_catalog::algorithm::*;
pub use crc_catalog::{Algorithm, Width};
mod crc128;
mod crc16;
mod crc32;
mod crc64;
mod crc8;
mod table;
mod util;
/// A trait for CRC implementations.
pub trait Implementation: private::Sealed {
/// Associated data necessary for the implementation (e.g. lookup tables).
type Data<W>;
/// A table-based implementation of the CRC algorithm, with `L` lanes.
/// The number of entries in the lookup table is `L * 256`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Table<const L: usize> {}
/// An implementation of the CRC algorithm with no lookup table.
pub type NoTable = Table<0>;
type DefaultImpl = Table<1>;
impl<const L: usize> Implementation for Table<L> {
type Data<W> = [[W; 256]; L];
mod private {
pub trait Sealed {}
impl<const L: usize> Sealed for super::Table<L> {}
/// Crc instance with a specific width, algorithm, and implementation.
pub struct Crc<W: Width, I: Implementation = DefaultImpl> {
pub algorithm: &'static Algorithm<W>,
data: I::Data<W>,
pub struct Digest<'a, W: Width, I: Implementation = DefaultImpl> {
crc: &'a Crc<W, I>,
value: W,
mod test {
use super::{Crc, CRC_32_ISCSI};
fn test_clone() {
const CRC: Crc<u32> = Crc::<u32>::new(&CRC_32_ISCSI);
let _crc = CRC.clone();