//! Components acting on the netif pktsnip layer
// FIXME: Move some of mod.rs in here
use crate::gnrc_pktbuf::{Mode, NotEnoughSpace, Pktsnip, Writable};
use crate::thread::KernelPID;
use riot_sys::{gnrc_netif_hdr_t, gnrc_nettype_t_GNRC_NETTYPE_NETIF as GNRC_NETTYPE_NETIF};
/// A transparent wrapper around ``gnrc_netif_hdr_t`` that provides idiomatically typed fields
#[doc(alias = "gnrc_netif_hdr_t")]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Header<'a>(&'a gnrc_netif_hdr_t);
impl Header<'_> {
pub fn if_pid(&self) -> Option<KernelPID> {
/// The root of building a Netif pktsnip
pub struct HeaderBuilder<M: Mode>(Pktsnip<M>);
impl<M: Mode> HeaderBuilder<M> {
pub fn without_link_layer_addresses(self) -> HeaderBuilt {
self.with_src_and_dst(&[], &[])
pub fn with_src(self, src: &[u8]) -> HeaderBuilt {
self.with_src_and_dst(src, &[])
pub fn with_dst(self, dst: &[u8]) -> HeaderBuilt {
self.with_src_and_dst(&[], dst)
pub fn with_src_and_dst(self, src: &[u8], dst: &[u8]) -> HeaderBuilt {
let Ok(src_len) = src.len().try_into() else {
return HeaderBuilt(Err(NotEnoughSpace));
let Ok(dst_len) = dst.len().try_into() else {
return HeaderBuilt(Err(NotEnoughSpace));
// "as *mut": I'm assuming the C signature is just missing its const
let snip = unsafe {
src.as_ptr() as *mut _,
dst.as_ptr() as *mut _,
if snip == 0 as *mut _ {
return HeaderBuilt(Err(NotEnoughSpace));
} else {
// unsafe: snip is initialized, and to_ptr takes care of the refcounts
// FIXME can use add?
unsafe { (*snip).next = self.0.to_ptr() };
HeaderBuilt(Ok(unsafe { Pktsnip::<Writable>::from_ptr(snip) }))
pub struct HeaderBuilt(Result<Pktsnip<Writable>, NotEnoughSpace>);
impl HeaderBuilt {
pub fn finish(self) -> Result<Pktsnip<Writable>, NotEnoughSpace> {
fn access(&mut self) -> Option<&mut riot_sys::gnrc_netif_hdr_t> {
match &mut self.0 {
Ok(snip) => Some(
// Unsafe: Valid by construction of our type
unsafe {
(snip.data_mut().as_mut_ptr() as *mut riot_sys::gnrc_netif_hdr_t).as_mut()
.expect("Non-null by construction"),
Err(_) => None,
pub fn with_if_pid(mut self, pid: KernelPID) -> HeaderBuilt {
if let Some(h) = self.access() {
h.if_pid = pid.into();
impl<M: Mode> Pktsnip<M> {
/// Get the Netif header of the snip, if there is any thusly typed snip present
// Note that we can *not* just implement this with &mut on a Writable Pktsnip, because
// writability is only ever about the first snip
pub fn netif_get_header(&self) -> Option<Header<'_>> {
let netif_snip = self.search_type(GNRC_NETTYPE_NETIF)?;
// unsafe: Following GNRC conventions
// unwrap: pointer comes from as_ptr and is thus non-null (but doesn't tell that)
let header =
unsafe { (netif_snip.data.as_ptr() as *const gnrc_netif_hdr_t).as_ref() }.unwrap();
// unsafe: Using C API as documented
== unsafe { riot_sys::inline::gnrc_netif_hdr_sizeof(crate::inline_cast(header)) }
as _
/// Build a netif header around the Pktsnip
#[doc(alias = "gnrc_netif_hdr_build")]
pub fn netif_hdr_builder(self) -> HeaderBuilder<M> {