use crate::pixelcolor::{
raw::{RawData, RawU16, RawU24},
use core::fmt;
pub trait RgbColor: PixelColor {
fn r(&self) -> u8;
fn g(&self) -> u8;
fn b(&self) -> u8;
const MAX_R: u8;
const MAX_G: u8;
const MAX_B: u8;
const BLACK: Self;
const RED: Self;
const GREEN: Self;
const BLUE: Self;
const YELLOW: Self;
const MAGENTA: Self;
const CYAN: Self;
const WHITE: Self;
macro_rules! impl_rgb_color {
($r_bits:expr, $g_bits:expr, $b_bits:expr),
($r_pos:expr, $g_pos:expr, $b_pos:expr),
) => {
#[doc = $type_str]
#[doc = "color."]
#[doc = ""]
#[doc = "Use the methods provided by the [`RgbColor`] trait to access"]
#[doc = "individual color channels and predefined color constants."]
#[doc = ""]
#[doc = "See the [module-level documentation] for more information about"]
#[doc = "conversion between this type and raw data."]
#[doc = ""]
#[doc = "[`RgbColor`]: trait.RgbColor.html"]
#[doc = "[module-level documentation]: index.html"]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Default)]
pub struct $type($storage_type);
impl $type {
const R_MASK: $storage_type = ($type::MAX_R as $storage_type) << $r_pos;
const G_MASK: $storage_type = ($type::MAX_G as $storage_type) << $g_pos;
const B_MASK: $storage_type = ($type::MAX_B as $storage_type) << $b_pos;
const RGB_MASK: $storage_type = Self::R_MASK | Self::B_MASK | Self::G_MASK;
impl fmt::Debug for $type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"{}(r: {}, g: {}, b: {})",
impl $type
Self: RgbColor,
#[doc = "Creates a new"]
#[doc = $type_str]
#[doc = "color.\n"]
#[doc = "Too large channel values will be limited by setting the"]
#[doc = "unused most significant bits to zero."]
pub const fn new(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Self {
let r_shifted = (r & Self::MAX_R) as $storage_type << $r_pos;
let g_shifted = (g & Self::MAX_G) as $storage_type << $g_pos;
let b_shifted = (b & Self::MAX_B) as $storage_type << $b_pos;
Self(r_shifted | g_shifted | b_shifted)
impl RgbColor for $type {
fn r(&self) -> u8 {
(self.0 >> $r_pos) as u8 & Self::MAX_R
fn g(&self) -> u8 {
(self.0 >> $g_pos) as u8 & Self::MAX_G
fn b(&self) -> u8 {
(self.0 >> $b_pos) as u8 & Self::MAX_B
const MAX_R: u8 = ((1usize << $r_bits) - 1) as u8;
const MAX_G: u8 = ((1usize << $g_bits) - 1) as u8;
const MAX_B: u8 = ((1usize << $b_bits) - 1) as u8;
const BLACK: Self = Self::new(0, 0, 0);
const RED: Self = Self::new(Self::MAX_R, 0, 0);
const GREEN: Self = Self::new(0, Self::MAX_G, 0);
const BLUE: Self = Self::new(0, 0, Self::MAX_B);
const YELLOW: Self = Self::new(Self::MAX_R, Self::MAX_G, 0);
const MAGENTA: Self = Self::new(Self::MAX_R, 0, Self::MAX_B);
const CYAN: Self = Self::new(0, Self::MAX_G, Self::MAX_B);
const WHITE: Self = Self::new(Self::MAX_R, Self::MAX_G, Self::MAX_B);
impl PixelColor for $type {
type Raw = $data_type;
impl From<$data_type> for $type {
fn from(data: $data_type) -> Self {
let data = data.into_inner();
Self(data & Self::RGB_MASK)
impl From<$type> for $data_type {
fn from(color: $type) -> Self {
($r_bits:expr, $g_bits:expr, $b_bits:expr),
($r_pos:expr, $g_pos:expr, $b_pos:expr)
) => {
($r_bits, $g_bits, $b_bits),
($r_pos, $g_pos, $b_pos),
macro_rules! rgb_color {
$type:ident, $data_type:ty, $storage_type:ty,
Rgb = ($r_bits:expr, $g_bits:expr, $b_bits:expr)
) => {
($r_bits, $g_bits, $b_bits),
($g_bits + $b_bits, $b_bits, 0)
$type:ident, $data_type:ty, $storage_type:ty,
Bgr = ($r_bits:expr, $g_bits:expr, $b_bits:expr)
) => {
($r_bits, $g_bits, $b_bits),
(0, $r_bits, $r_bits + $g_bits)
rgb_color!(Rgb555, RawU16, u16, Rgb = (5, 5, 5));
rgb_color!(Bgr555, RawU16, u16, Bgr = (5, 5, 5));
rgb_color!(Rgb565, RawU16, u16, Rgb = (5, 6, 5));
rgb_color!(Bgr565, RawU16, u16, Bgr = (5, 6, 5));
rgb_color!(Rgb888, RawU24, u32, Rgb = (8, 8, 8));
rgb_color!(Bgr888, RawU24, u32, Bgr = (8, 8, 8));
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::pixelcolor::IntoStorage;
fn test_bpp16<C>(color: C, value: u16)
C: RgbColor + From<RawU16> + Into<RawU16> + core::fmt::Debug,
let value = RawU16::new(value);
assert_eq!(color.into(), value);
assert_eq!(C::from(value), color);
fn test_bpp24<C>(color: C, value: u32)
C: RgbColor + From<RawU24> + Into<RawU24> + core::fmt::Debug,
let value = RawU24::new(value);
assert_eq!(color.into(), value);
assert_eq!(C::from(value), color);
pub fn bit_positions_rgb555() {
test_bpp16(Rgb555::new(0b10001, 0, 0), 0b10001 << 5 + 5);
test_bpp16(Rgb555::new(0, 0b10001, 0), 0b10001 << 5);
test_bpp16(Rgb555::new(0, 0, 0b10001), 0b10001 << 0);
pub fn bit_positions_bgr555() {
test_bpp16(Bgr555::new(0b10001, 0, 0), 0b10001 << 0);
test_bpp16(Bgr555::new(0, 0b10001, 0), 0b10001 << 5);
test_bpp16(Bgr555::new(0, 0, 0b10001), 0b10001 << 5 + 5);
pub fn bit_positions_rgb565() {
test_bpp16(Rgb565::new(0b10001, 0, 0), 0b10001 << 5 + 6);
test_bpp16(Rgb565::new(0, 0b100001, 0), 0b100001 << 5);
test_bpp16(Rgb565::new(0, 0, 0b10001), 0b10001 << 0);
pub fn bit_positions_bgr565() {
test_bpp16(Bgr565::new(0b10001, 0, 0), 0b10001 << 0);
test_bpp16(Bgr565::new(0, 0b100001, 0), 0b100001 << 5);
test_bpp16(Bgr565::new(0, 0, 0b10001), 0b10001 << 5 + 6);
pub fn bit_positions_rgb888() {
test_bpp24(Rgb888::new(0b10000001, 0, 0), 0b10000001 << 8 + 8);
test_bpp24(Rgb888::new(0, 0b10000001, 0), 0b10000001 << 8);
test_bpp24(Rgb888::new(0, 0, 0b10000001), 0b10000001 << 0);
pub fn bit_positions_bgr888() {
test_bpp24(Bgr888::new(0b10000001, 0, 0), 0b10000001 << 0);
test_bpp24(Bgr888::new(0, 0b10000001, 0), 0b10000001 << 8);
test_bpp24(Bgr888::new(0, 0, 0b10000001), 0b10000001 << 8 + 8);
pub fn unused_bits_are_ignored() {
let color: Rgb555 = RawU16::from(0xFFFF).into();
assert_eq!(RawU16::from(color).into_inner(), 0x7FFF);
let color: Bgr555 = RawU16::from(0xFFFF).into();
assert_eq!(RawU16::from(color).into_inner(), 0x7FFF);
fn convert_to_raw() {
let color = Rgb888::new(0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC);
assert_eq!(color.into_storage(), 0x00AABBCC);