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L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family

Device Driver for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family More...

Detailed Description

Device Driver for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family

Driver for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family

Table of contents

  1. Overview
    1. About the sensor
    2. Supported features
  2. Measurement Process
    1. Sensor modes
    2. Output Data Rates and Filters
  3. Using the driver (basic functionality)
    1. Initialization
    2. Output data format
    3. Fetching data
  4. Using the FIFO
    1. Configuration of the FIFO
    2. Reading data from the FIFO
  5. Using Interrupts
    1. [Data interrupts (data ready and FIFO status) on signal INT2/DRDY] (#l3gxxxx_data_interrupt)
    2. [Event interrupts (Axes movement and wake-up) on signal INT1] (#l3gxxxx_event_interrupt)
    3. Interrupt context problem
    4. Interrupt signal properties
  6. Power Saving
  7. Low level functions
  8. Default configuration


About the sensor

ST L3Gxxxx sensors are low-power 3-axis angular rate sensors connected to I2C or SPI with a full scale of up to 2000 dps. It supports different measuring rates with a user selectable bandwidth.

Main features of the sensor are:

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Supported Features

The driver supports the following sensors of the L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyro sensor family. Used sensor variant has to be specified by using the respective pseudomodule.

Sensor Variant Pseudomodule Vendor Status
L3GD20H l3gd20h Not recommended for new designs
L3GD20 l3gd20 Obsolete
L3G4200D l3g4200_ng Obsolete
A3G4250D a3g4250d Active
I3G4250D i3g4250d Active

The driver is modular and supports different levels of functionality, which can be enabled using pseudomodules according to the requirements of the application. This ensures that the driver only uses as much ROM and RAM as really needed.

As basic functionality the driver supports

The following pseudomodules are used to enable additional functionalities:

Pseudomodule Functionality
l3gxxxx_i2c I2C interface enabled
l3gxxxx_spi SPI interface enabled
l3gxxxx_low_odr Low output data rates enabled (L3GD20H only)
l3gxxxx_fifo 32 level FIFO enabled
l3gxxxx_irq_data Data interrupt (INT2/DRDY) handling enabled
l3gxxxx_irq_event Event interrupt (INT1) handling enabled
l3gxxxx_sleep Sleep and wake-up functions enabled
l3gxxxx_config Functions for changing configurations at runtime nabled

The following table shows the mapping of which modules have to be used to enable which functions of the L3Gxxxx.

Feature Module
16 bit angular rate data output (raw and angular rate) l3gxxxx
Full scales of ±245, ±500, and ±2000 dps l3gxxxx
Using high-pass filter (HPF) and low-pass filter (LPF1/LPF2) l3gxxxx
Output data rates (ODR) from 100 Hz to 800 Hz l3gxxxx
Output data rates (ODR) from 12.5 Hz to 50 Hz (L3GD20H only) l3gxxxx_low_odr
Polling data l3gxxxx
SAUL sensor interface l3gxxxx
Power-down and power-up functionality l3gxxxx
Sleep and wake-up functionality l3gxxxx_sleep
32 level FIFO handling l3gxxxx_fifo
Data interrupt (INT2/DRDY) handling (data ready and FIFO) l3gxxxx_irq_data
Event interrupt (INT1) handling (Axes movement and wake-up) l3gxxxx_irq_event
Configuration of all sensor functions at runtime l3gxxxx_config
I2C interface l3gxxxx_i2c
SPI interface (SPI mode 3) l3gxxxx_spi


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Measurement Process

Sensor modes

L3Gxxxx sensors provide different operating modes.

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Output Data Rates and Filters

In normal mode, measurements are performed at a defined output rate (ODR) with a user selectable bandwidth.

Used filter selection

L3Gxxxx sensors integrate a combination of two low pass filters (LPF) and one high pass filter (HPF).

+---------------> L3GXXXX_NO_FILTER
| +----- +
+------------+--->| |---> L3GXXXX_LPF2_ONLY
| | LPF2 |
+-----+ +------+ | +-----+ +--->| |---> L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2
| | | | | | | | +------+
| ADC |-->| LPF1 |--+-->| HPF |--+---------------> L3GXXXX_HPF_ONLY
| | | | | |
+-----+ +------+ +-----+
HPF not used, LPF2 not used (default)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1190
HPF used, LPF2 not used.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1191
HPF used, LPF2 used.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1193
HPF not used, LPF2 used.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1192

First, raw sensor data are always filtered by LPF1 with a cutoff frequency that is fixed for the selected output data rate (ODR), see l3gxxxx_odr_t. Resulting data can then optionally be filtered by HPF and/or LPF2. Both filters can be used or bypassed.

The figure above shows possible filter selections and the driver symbols defined by l3gxxxx_filter_sel_t. These can be used to set the filter combination separately for the output data and the data for event interrupt generation.

Driver symbol High pass filter (HPF) used Low pass filter 2 (LPF2) used

The default filter selection for the output data is L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2 and is defined by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_FILTER_SEL. If the module l3gxxxx_config is used, it can be changed at runtime using function l3gxxxx_select_output_filter.

The default filter selection for event interrupt generation is L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2 and is defined by default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_FILTER. It can be changed at runtime with function l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg.

Since same filters are used for the output data as well as the data used for event interrupt generation (selective axes movement / wake-up), the configuration of the filters always affects both data. If the HPF is enabled for filtering the output data, it is also active for filtering the sensor data used for interrupt generation if the LPF2 is enabled for interrupt generation. The other way around, the HPF is also active for filtering the output data when it is enabled for interrupt generation and when the LPF2 is enabled for the output data.

High pass filter mode

The high pass filter (HPF) can be used in different modes.

Driver symbol HPF mode
L3GXXXX_HPF_AUTORESET Auto-reset on interrupt

In normal mode, the HPF can be reset by reading the REFERENCE register, which instantly deletes the DC component of the angular rate. In reference mode, output data are the difference of raw sensor data and the contents of the REFERENCE register. In autoreset mode, HPF is automatically reset when a configured event interrupt occurs.

The default HPF mode is L3GXXXX_HPF_NORMAL and is defined by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_HPF_MODE. If module l3gxxxx_config is used, it can be changed at runtime using function l3gxxxx_config_hpf.

Output data rates and filter cutoff frequencies

The cutoff frequencies of LPF1 and LPF2 are determined by used output data rate l3gxxxx_odr_t. The following output data rates (ODR) and the LPF1/LPF2 cutoff frequencies are defined (Reference: Application Note AN4506):

Mode ODR [Hz] LPF1 cutoff [Hz] LPF2 cutoff [Hz] Driver symbol
Normal 100 32 12.5 L3GXXXX_ODR_100_12
Normal 100 32 25 L3GXXXX_ODR_100_25
Normal 200 63.3 12.5 L3GXXXX_ODR_200_12
Normal 200 63.3 25 L3GXXXX_ODR_200_25
Normal 200 63.3 50 L3GXXXX_ODR_200_50
Normal 200 63.3 70 L3GXXXX_ODR_200_70
Normal 400 128 20 L3GXXXX_ODR_400_20
Normal 400 128 25 L3GXXXX_ODR_400_25
Normal 400 128 50 L3GXXXX_ODR_400_50
Normal 400 128 110 L3GXXXX_ODR_400_110
Normal 800 211 30 L3GXXXX_ODR_800_30
Normal 800 211 35 L3GXXXX_ODR_800_35
Normal 800 211 30 L3GXXXX_ODR_800_30
Normal 800 211 100 L3GXXXX_ODR_800_100
Low ODR 12.5 3.9 - L3GXXXX_ODR_12
Low ODR 25 7.8 - L3GXXXX_ODR_25
Low ODR 50 16 16.6 L3GXXXX_ODR_50

Low ODRs are only available on L3GD20H and if module l3gxxxx_low_odr is used.

The default output data rate (ODR) is L3GXXXX_ODR_100_12 and defined by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_ODR. If module l3gxxxx_config is used, it can be changed at runtime using function l3gxxxx_set_mode, for example:

l3gxxxx_set_mode(&dev, L3GXXXX_ODR_400_20, true, true, false);
int l3gxxxx_set_mode(l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_odr_t odr, bool x, bool y, bool z)
Set sensor mode.
@ L3GXXXX_ODR_400_20
High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 128 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 20 Hz.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1075

The cutoff frequencies of the HPF depend on the selected output data rate (ODR) and are specified by an index from 0 to 9, as shown in the following table. All frequencies are given in Hz.

ODR [Hz] 12.5 25 50 100 200 400 800
0 1 2 4 8 15 30 56
1 0.5 1 2 4 8 15 30
2 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 8 15
3 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 8
4 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4
5 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2
6 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1
7 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5
8 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2
9 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1

The default cutoff frequency of HPF is 8 Hz (index 0) and set by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_HPF_CUTOFF. If module l3gxxxx_config is used, it can be changed at runtime using function l3gxxxx_config_hpf, for example:

int l3gxxxx_config_hpf(const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_hpf_mode_t mode, uint8_t cutoff)
Config HPF (high pass filter) for output data.
Normal mode, HPF is reset by reading the REFERENCE register.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1202

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Using the driver


The easiest way to use the driver is simply to initialize the sensor with function l3gxxxx_init using the default configuration parameter set l3gxxxx_params as defined in file l3gxxxx_params.h.

static l3gxxxx_t dev;
if (l3gxxxx_init(&dev, &l3gxxxx_params[0]) != L3DG20H_OK) {
... // error handling
int l3gxxxx_init(l3gxxxx_t *dev, const l3gxxxx_params_t *params)
Initialize the L3Gxxxx sensor device.
static const l3gxxxx_params_t l3gxxxx_params[]
Allocate some memory to store the actual configuration.
L3Gxxxx sensor device data structure type.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1464

After this initialization, the sensor is fully operational and data can be fetched either by polling or interrupt driven.

Function l3gxxxx_init resets the sensor completely. All registers are reset to default values and the embedded FIFO is cleared.

The default configuration parameter set defines

Most of these configuration parameters can also be changed at runtime by respective functions if the module l3gxxxx_config is used or by overriding default configuration parameters. Detailed information about the default configuration can be found in section Configuration.

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Output data format

In normal mode, the sensor determines periodically the angular rate for all axes that are enabled for measurement and produces raw output data with the selected output data rate (ODR).

These raw output data are 16-bit signed integer values in two’s complement representation. Their range and their resolution depend on the sensitivity of the sensor which is selected by the full scale value. L3Gxxxx sensors allow to select the following full scales:

Full Scale Sensitivity Driver symbol Remark
±245 dps 8.75 mdps L3GXXXX_SCALE_245_DPS
±500 dps 17.50 mdps L3GXXXX_SCALE_500_DPS not available on A3G4250D
±2000 dps 70.00 mdps L3GXXXX_SCALE_2000_DPS not available on A3G4250D

On the A34250D, only 245 dps (L3GXXXX_SCALE_245_DPS) is available as full scale value.

The default full scale value is ±245 dps which is defined by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_SCALE. If module l3gxxxx_config is used, it can be changed at runtime using function l3gxxxx_set_scale, for example:

int l3gxxxx_set_scale(l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_scale_t scale)
Set full scale.
500 dps
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1102

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Fetching data

To get the information whether new data are available, the user task can either use

Last measurement results can then be fetched either

It is recommended to use function l3gxxxx_read since the driver already converts raw output data to angular rates according to the selected full scale value.

while (1)
// execute task every 20 ms
// test for new data and fetch them if available
if ((l3gxxxx_data_ready(&dev) > 0) &&
(l3gxxxx_read(&dev, &data) == L3GXXXX_OK)) {
// do something with data
int l3gxxxx_read(const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_data_t *data)
Read last sample of angular rates in millidegree per second (mpds)
int l3gxxxx_data_ready(const l3gxxxx_t *dev)
Data ready status function.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1009
#define US_PER_MS
The number of microseconds per millisecond.
Definition time_units.h:90
static void xtimer_usleep(uint32_t microseconds)
Pause the execution of a thread for some microseconds.
Angular rates in millidegrees per seconds (mdps)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1366
The functions l3gxxxx_read and l3gxxxx_read_raw always return the last available results. If these functions are called more often than measurements are performed, some measurement results are retrieved multiple times. If these functions are called too rarely, some measurement results will be lost.

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Using the FIFO

In order to limit the rate at which the host processor has to fetch the data, L3Gxxxx sensors embed a FIFO buffer. This is in particular helpful at high output data rates. The FIFO buffer can work in seven different modes and is able to store up to 32 data samples. Please refer the datasheet or application note for more details.

Driver symbol FIFO mode Remark
L3GXXXX_BYPASS Bypass mode FIFO is not used
L3GXXXX_STREAM Stream mode
L3GXXXX_STREAM_TO_FIFO Stream-to-FIFO mode L3GD20H and L3GD20 only
L3GXXXX_BYPASS_TO_STREAM Bypass-to-Stream mode L3GD20H and L3GD20 only
L3GXXXX_DYNAMIC_STREAM Dynamic Stream mode L3GD20H only
L3GXXXX_BYPASS_TO_FIFO Bypass to FIFO mode L3GD20H only

A watermark level (threshold) can be set for the FIFO. If the number of data samples in the FIFO exceeds this value, the watermark flag is set and the interrupt L3GXXXX_INT_FIFO_WATERMARK is triggered, if enabled. This interrupt can be used to gather a minimum number of samples of raw output data before the data are fetched as a single read operation from the sensor.

Configuration of the FIFO

The default FIFO mode is defined by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_FIFO_MODE. The default watermark level (threshold) of the FIFO is defined by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_FIFO_WATERMARK.

If module l3gxxxx_config is used, both configuration parameters can be changed at runtime with function l3gxxxx_set_fifo_mode. This function takes two parameters, the FIFO mode and the watermark level.

// set the FIFO mode with a watermark level (threshold) of 10, i.e. the
// watermark flag is set or the interrupt is triggered for the 11th sample
l3gxxxx_set_fifo_mode(&dev, L3GXXXX_STREAM, 10);
FIFO is used as ring buffer and newest data samples are stored continuously.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1117
To clear the FIFO at any time, set the FIFO mode to L3GXXXX_BYPASS and back to the desired FIFO mode.
int l3gxxxx_set_fifo_mode(l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_fifo_mode_t mode, uint8_t watermark)
Set FIFO mode and watermark level (threshold)
FIFO is not used (default)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1113

Reading data from FIFO

To read data from the FIFO, just use either

Both functions clear the FIFO and return the number of samples read from the FIFO.

while (1)
// execute task every 500 ms
// test for new data
if (l3gxxxx_data_ready(&dev) > 0) {
// fetch data from fifo
int num = l3gxxxx_read_fifo(dev, data);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// do something with data[i] ...
l3gxxxx_data_t l3gxxxx_data_fifo_t[32]
Angular rates FIFO type.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1380
int l3gxxxx_read_fifo(const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_data_fifo_t data)
Get all samples of angular rates stored in the FIFO (unit mdps)

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Using Interrupts

L3Gxxxx sensors allow to activate interrupts on two different signals:

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Data interrupts (data ready and FIFO status) on signal INT2/DRDY

Interrupts on signal INT2/DRDY can be generated by the following sources:

Interrupt source Driver symbol
Output data are ready to be read L3GXXXX_INT_DATA_READY
FIFO content exceeds the watermark level L3GXXXX_INT_FIFO_WATERMARK
FIFO is completely filled L3GXXXX_INT_FIFO_OVERRUN

L3GXXXX_INT_DATA is the bitwise OR combination of these symbols.

Using data interrupts requires to enable module l3gxxxx_irq_data.

Each interrupt source can be enabled or disabled separately with function l3gxxxx_enable_int.

int l3gxxxx_enable_int(const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_int_types_t mask, bool enable)
Enable or disable event and/or data interrupts on signal INT1 and INT2/DRDY
Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: Output data are ready to be read.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1226

If l3gxxxx_fifo is used, L3GXXXX_INT_FIFO_WATERMARK and L3GXXXX_INT_FIFO_OVERRUN interrupts are enabled by default. Otherwise only L3GXXXX_INT_DATA_READY is enabled by default.

The MCU GPIO pin used for the INT2/DRDY interrupt signal has to be defined by the hardware configuration parameter L3GXXXX_INT2_PIN.

Once a data interrupt is enabled, function l3gxxxx_wait_int can be used to wait for an interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY. This function returns a structure with the interrupt sources of type l3gxxxx_int_src_t which contains a flag for each possible data interrupt source in member l3gxxxx_int_src_t::data that can be tested for true.

if ( {
l3gxxxx_read(&dev, &data)
l3gxxxx_int_src_t l3gxxxx_wait_int(l3gxxxx_t *dev)
Wait for event and/or data interrupts on signals INT1 and INT2/DRDY
Composite type for all possible interrupt sources.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1333
l3gxxxx_int_data_src_t data
data interrupt sources
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1335
uint8_t data_ready
true when data are ready to read
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1319

If module l3gxxxx_fifo is used, the corresponding interrupt sources can be tested.

if ( {
l3gxxxx_read(&dev, &data);
if ( {
printf("FIFO overrun");
#define printf(...)
A wrapper for the printf() function that passes arguments through unmodified, but fails to compile if...
Definition stdio.h:60
uint8_t fifo_overrun
true when FIFO is completely filled
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1317

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Event interrupts (axes movement and wake-up) on signal INT1

This interrupt signal allows to recognize independent rotations of the X, Y and Z axes. For this purpose, a separate threshold can be defined for each axis. If activated, the angular rate of each axis is compared with its threshold to check whether it is below or above the threshold. The results of all activated comparisons are combined OR or AND to generate the interrupt signal.

The configuration of the thresholds, the activated comparisons and selected AND/OR combination allows to recognize special situations like selective axis movement (SA) or axes movement wake-up (WU).

Using event interrupts requires to enable module l3gxxxx_irq_event.

The MCU GPIO pin used for the INT1 interrupt signal is defined by the hardware configuration parameter L3GXXXX_INT1_PIN.

The default configuration for event interrupts is defined by L3GXXXX_INT1_PARAMS. This configuration can be changed either by overriding default configuration parameters CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_X_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Y_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Z_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_X_LT_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_X_GT_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Y_LT_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Y_GT_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Z_LT_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Z_GT_THRESH, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_FILTER, CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_AND and CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_LATCH or at runtime using function l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg with a set of parameters of type l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t that contains the configuration. For example, selective axis movement recognition (SA) for the z-axis could be configured as following. With this configuration, the event interrupt is only triggered if all conditions are met.

// thresholds
int_cfg.x_threshold = 100;
int_cfg.y_threshold = 100;
int_cfg.z_threshold = 1000;
// X axis below threshold enabled
int_cfg.x_low_enabled = true;
int_cfg.x_high_enabled = false;
// Y axis below threshold enabled
int_cfg.y_low_enabled = true;
int_cfg.y_high_enabled = false;
// Z axis below threshold enabled
int_cfg.z_low_enabled = false;
int_cfg.z_high_enabled = true;
// AND combination of all conditions
int_cfg.and_or = true;
// further parameters
int_cfg.latch = true;
int_cfg.duration = 0;
int_cfg.wait = false;
// set the configuration and enable the interrupt
l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg(&dev, &int_cfg);
int l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg(const l3gxxxx_t *dev, const l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t *cfg)
Set new configuration for event interrupt generation.
Event interrupt on signal INT1: Angular rate of one or more axes is lower or higher than the configur...
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1244
Event interrupt generator configuration (axis movement and wake-up)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1263
bool y_low_enabled
Interrupt enabled for |Y| < Y threshold (Y low event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1271
bool z_high_enabled
Interrupt enabled for |Z| > Z threshold (Y high event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1275
uint16_t x_threshold
X threshold value in full scale / INT16_MAX.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1264
bool x_high_enabled
Interrupt enabled for |X| > X threshold (X high event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1269
l3gxxxx_filter_sel_t filter
HPF and LPF2 filter selection used for threshold comparison.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1277
bool y_high_enabled
Interrupt enabled for |Y| > Y threshold (Y high event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1272
bool latch
Latch the interrupt when true until the interrupt source has been read by function l3gxxxx_wait_int.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1283
bool and_or
Combination of interrupt events (true=AND, false=OR): AND - all enabled axes passed their thresholds...
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1280
uint16_t z_threshold
Z threshold value in full scale / INT16_MAX.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1266
bool wait
When true, duration is also used when interrupt condition in no longer given before interrupt signal ...
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1287
bool z_low_enabled
Interrupt enabled for |Z| < Z threshold (Z low event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1274
uint16_t y_threshold
Y threshold value in full scale / INT16_MAX.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1265
uint8_t duration
Duration in 1/ODR an interrupt condition has to be given before the interrupt is generated.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1285
bool x_low_enabled
Interrupt enabled for |X| < X threshold (X low event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1268

The data structure l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t defines

  • If the interrupt is configured to be latched, the interrupt signal is active until the interrupt source is read by function l3gxxxx_wait_int AND next raw output data are available. Otherwise the interrupt signal is active as long as the interrupt condition is satisfied.
  • The driver function l3gxxxx_wait_int uses the leading flank of the interrupt signal to detect an interrupt and read the interrupt source.

Function l3gxxxx_enable_int is used to enable or disable the event interrupt generation (L3GXXXX_INT_EVENT).

As with data interrupts function l3gxxxx_wait_int can be used to wait for an interrupt on signal INT1 if event interrupts are enabled. This function returns a structure with the interrupt sources of type l3gxxxx_int_src_t which contains a flag for each possible event interrupt source in member l3gxxxx_int_src_t::event that can be tested for true.

if (int_src.event.x_low) {
printf("x below ");
if (int_src.event.x_high) {
printf("x above ");
l3gxxxx_int_event_src_t event
event interrupt sources
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1334
uint8_t x_low
true on |X| < X threshold (X low event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1298
uint8_t x_high
true on |X| > X threshold (X high event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1299

Activating all threshold comparisons and using the OR combination is the most flexible way to realize functions like selective axis movement by combining the different interrupt sources as required by the application.

// thresholds
int_cfg.x_threshold = 100;
int_cfg.y_threshold = 100;
int_cfg.z_threshold = 100;
// X axis below and above threshold enabled
int_cfg.x_low_enabled = true;
int_cfg.x_high_enabled = true;
// Y axis below and above threshold enabled
int_cfg.y_low_enabled = true;
int_cfg.y_high_enabled = true;
// Z axis below and above threshold enabled
int_cfg.z_low_enabled = true;
int_cfg.z_high_enabled = true;
// OR combination of all conditions
int_cfg.and_or = false;
// set the configuration and enable the interrupt
l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg(&dev, &int_cfg);
l3gxxxx_enable_int(&dev, l3gxxxx_int_event, true);

Following example shows the selective axis movement recognition (SA) for the Z-axis.

if (int_src.event.y_low && int_src.event.y_low && int_src.event.z_high) {
// selective axis movement of Z-axis
uint8_t y_low
true on |Y| < Y threshold (Y low event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1300
uint8_t z_high
true on |Z| > Z threshold (Z high event)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1303

Interrupt context problem

All functions of the driver require direct access to the sensor via I2C or SPI which does not work in interrupt context.

Therefore, the driver prevents the direct use of the interrupts and application specific ISRs. The only way to use interrupts is to call the function l3gxxxx_wait_int which enables the interrupt signals for the configured MCU GPIO pins and then blocks the calling thread until an interrupt is triggered.

Once an interrupt is triggered, the driver handles the interrupt with an internal ISR and then returns from the l3gxxxx_wait_int function. The return value is a structure with the interrupt sources of type l3gxxxx_int_src_t, which contains a flag for each possible interrupt source that can be tested for true.

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Interrupt signal properties

By default, interrupt signals are high active push/pull outputs.

Power Saving

L3Gxxxx sensors offer two modes for power saving:

While in power-down mode almost all internal blocks of the device including the gyros are switched off, in sleep mode only the measuring functions for all three axes are deactivated. Therefore, the time to continue measurements after sleep mode is drastically shorter than after power down.

Starting mode Target mode Turn-on time typical
Power-down Normal 100 ms
Power-down Sleep 100 ms
Sleep Normal 1/ODR when LPF2 disabled
6/ODR when LPF2 enabled

L3Gxxxx sensors can be powered down when no measurements are required using the function l3gxxxx_power_down. The power consumption is reduced to some uA in power-down mode. To restart the L3Gxxxx in previous measurement mode, the l3gxxxx_power_up function can be used.

If module l3gxxxx_sleep is enabled, the sleep mode can be activated with function l3gxxxx_sleep. The power consumption is then reduced from 4.8 mA to 2.4 mA and thus to half. The l3gxxxx_wake_up function continues the measurement in previous operation mode.

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Low level functions

L3Gxxxx sensors are complex and flexible sensors with a lot of features. It can be used for a big number of different use cases. Since it is impossible to implement a high level interface which is generic enough to cover all the functionality of the sensor for all different use cases, there are two low level interface functions that allow direct read and write access to the registers of the sensor.

bool l3gxxxx_reg_read(l3gxxxx_sensor_t* dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
bool l3gxxxx_reg_write(l3gxxxx_sensor_t* dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
int l3gxxxx_reg_write(const l3gxxxx_t *dev, uint8_t reg, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
Direct write to register.
int l3gxxxx_reg_read(const l3gxxxx_t *dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
Direct read from register.
These functions should only be used to do something special that is not covered by the high level interface AND if you exactly know what you do and what it might affect. Please be aware that it might affect the high level interface.

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Default configuration

Default sensor hardware configurations are set in file l3gxxxx_params.h using the following defines:

Hardware configuration Driver name Default Value
I2C device L3GXXXX_I2C_DEV I2C_DEV(0)
SPI clock frequency L3GXXXX_SPI_CLK SPI_CLK_1MHZ

These hardware configurations can be overridden either by the board definition or by defining them in the CFLAGS variable in the make command, for example:

DRIVER=l3gd20h USEMODULE='l3gxxxx_irq_data` \
BOARD=... make -C tests/drivers/l3gxxxx
#define GPIO_PIN(x, y)
Define a CPU specific GPIO pin generator macro.
Definition periph_cpu.h:46

The default configuration of the sensor is defined in file l3gxxxx_params.h using the following defines:

Configuration parameter Driver name Default Value
ODR and LPF2 cutoff frequency CONFIG_L3GXXXX_ODR L3GXXXX_ODR_100_25
Filter selection used for output data CONFIG_L3GXXXX_FILTER_SEL L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2
HPF cutoff frequency 8 Hz CONFIG_L3GXXXX_HPF_CUTOFF 0
FIFO threshold value if FIFO is used CONFIG_L3GXXXX_FIFO_WATERMARK 23
INT1 threshold for X axis (~30 dps) CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_X_THRESH 4012
INT1 threshold for Y axis (~30 dps) CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Y_THRESH 4012
INT1 threshold for Z axis (~30 dps) CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Z_THRESH 4012
INT1 interrupt enable for X > X threshold CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_X_GT_THRESH true
INT1 interrupt enable for Y > Y threshold CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Y_GT_THRESH true
INT1 interrupt enable for Z > Z threshold CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Z_GT_THRESH true
INT1 interrupt enable for X < X threshold CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_X_LT_THRESH false
INT1 interrupt enable for Y < Y threshold CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Y_LT_THRESH false
INT1 interrupt enable for Z < Z threshold CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_Z_LT_THRESH false
INT1 interrupt combination CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_AND false
INT1 interrupt latch enabled CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_LATCH true

Single or all parameters of the default configuration can be overridden either by defining them in the variable CFLAGS in the make command line or by placing a modified file l3gxxxx_params.h in the application directory, for example:

DRIVER=l3gd20h USEMODULE='l3gxxxx_low_odr l3gxxxx_irq_data` \
BOARD=... make -C tests/drivers/l3gxxxx
Low ODR 12.5 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 3.9 Hz, LPF2 not used.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1084
Gunar Schorcht


file  l3gxxxx.h
 Device Driver for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family.
file  l3gxxxx_params.h
 Default configuration for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family.
file  l3gxxxx_regs.h
 Register definitions for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family.

Data Structures

struct  l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t
 Event interrupt generator configuration (axis movement and wake-up) More...
union  l3gxxxx_int_event_src_t
 Event interrupt sources (axis movement and wake-up) More...
union  l3gxxxx_int_data_src_t
 Data interrupt sources (data ready and FIFO status) More...
struct  l3gxxxx_int_src_t
 Composite type for all possible interrupt sources. More...
struct  l3gxxxx_raw_data_t
 Raw output data set as two's complements. More...
struct  l3gxxxx_data_t
 Angular rates in millidegrees per seconds (mdps) More...
struct  l3gxxxx_i2c_params_t
 L3Gxxxx I2C interface parameters. More...
struct  l3gxxxx_spi_params_t
 L3Gxxxx SPI interface parameters. More...
struct  l3gxxxx_if_params_t
 L3Gxxxx Hardware interface parameters union. More...
struct  l3gxxxx_params_t
 L3Gxxxx device initialization parameters. More...
struct  l3gxxxx_t
 L3Gxxxx sensor device data structure type. More...


 Data interrupts (Data ready and FIFO status)


typedef l3gxxxx_raw_data_t l3gxxxx_raw_data_fifo_t[32]
 Raw output data FIFO type.
typedef l3gxxxx_data_t l3gxxxx_data_fifo_t[32]
 Angular rates FIFO type.


enum  l3gxxxx_error_codes_t {
 Definition of error codes. More...
enum  l3gxxxx_odr_t {
  L3GXXXX_ODR_100_12 = 0x00 , L3GXXXX_ODR_100_25 = 0x01 , L3GXXXX_ODR_200_12 = 0x04 , L3GXXXX_ODR_200_25 = 0x05 ,
  L3GXXXX_ODR_200_50 = 0x06 , L3GXXXX_ODR_200_70 = 0x07 , L3GXXXX_ODR_400_20 = 0x08 , L3GXXXX_ODR_400_25 = 0x09 ,
  L3GXXXX_ODR_400_50 = 0x0a , L3GXXXX_ODR_400_110 = 0x0b , L3GXXXX_ODR_800_30 = 0x0c , L3GXXXX_ODR_800_35 = 0x0d ,
  L3GXXXX_ODR_800_50 = 0x0e , L3GXXXX_ODR_800_100 = 0x0f , L3GXXXX_ODR_12 = 0x10 , L3GXXXX_ODR_25 = 0x14 ,
  L3GXXXX_ODR_50 = 0x18
 Sensor output data rates (ODR) and LPF2 cutoff frequencies. More...
enum  l3gxxxx_scale_t { L3GXXXX_SCALE_245_DPS = 0 , L3GXXXX_SCALE_500_DPS = 1 , L3GXXXX_SCALE_2000_DPS = 2 }
 Full scale in degrees per second (dps) More...
enum  l3gxxxx_fifo_mode_t {
 FIFO mode. More...
enum  l3gxxxx_filter_sel_t { L3GXXXX_NO_FILTER = 0 , L3GXXXX_HPF_ONLY = 1 , L3GXXXX_LPF2_ONLY = 2 , L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2 = 3 }
 High pass filter (HPF) and low pass filter 2 (LPF2) selection. More...
enum  l3gxxxx_hpf_mode_t { L3GXXXX_HPF_NORMAL = 0 , L3GXXXX_HPF_REFERENCE = 1 , L3GXXXX_HPF_AUTORESET = 3 }
 HPF (high pass filter) modes. More...
enum  l3gxxxx_int_types_t {
 Interrupt types. More...
enum  l3gxxxx_int_pin_level_t { L3GXXXX_HIGH = 0 , L3GXXXX_LOW }
 INT1, INT2/DRDY sensor signal activity level More...
enum  l3gxxxx_int_pin_type_t { L3GXXXX_PUSH_PULL = 0 , L3GXXXX_OPEN_DRAIN }
 INT1, INT2/DRDY sensor signal type More...
enum  l3gxxxx_if_t { L3GXXXX_I2C , L3GXXXX_SPI }
 L3Gxxxx interface types. More...

Sensor initialization and configuration

int l3gxxxx_init (l3gxxxx_t *dev, const l3gxxxx_params_t *params)
 Initialize the L3Gxxxx sensor device.
int l3gxxxx_set_mode (l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_odr_t odr, bool x, bool y, bool z)
 Set sensor mode.
int l3gxxxx_set_scale (l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_scale_t scale)
 Set full scale.

Power saving functions

int l3gxxxx_power_down (l3gxxxx_t *dev)
 Power down the sensor.
int l3gxxxx_power_up (l3gxxxx_t *dev)
 Power up the sensor.
int l3gxxxx_sleep (l3gxxxx_t *dev)
 Sleep mode.
int l3gxxxx_wake_up (l3gxxxx_t *dev)
 Wake-up the sensor.

Basic sensor data handling

int l3gxxxx_data_ready (const l3gxxxx_t *dev)
 Data ready status function.
int l3gxxxx_read (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_data_t *data)
 Read last sample of angular rates in millidegree per second (mpds)
int l3gxxxx_read_raw (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_raw_data_t *raw)
 Read last sample of raw output data as 16 bit two's complements.

FIFO handling

int l3gxxxx_set_fifo_mode (l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_fifo_mode_t mode, uint8_t watermark)
 Set FIFO mode and watermark level (threshold)
int l3gxxxx_read_fifo (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_data_fifo_t data)
 Get all samples of angular rates stored in the FIFO (unit mdps)
int l3gxxxx_read_raw_fifo (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_raw_data_fifo_t raw)
 Get all samples of raw output data stored in the FIFO.

Filter configuration and handling

int l3gxxxx_select_output_filter (l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_filter_sel_t filter)
 Filter selection for raw output data.
int l3gxxxx_config_hpf (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_hpf_mode_t mode, uint8_t cutoff)
 Config HPF (high pass filter) for output data.
int l3gxxxx_set_hpf_ref (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, int8_t ref)
 Set HPF (high pass filter) reference.
int l3gxxxx_get_hpf_ref (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, int8_t *ref)
 Get HPF (high pass filter) reference.

Interrupt configuration and handling

int l3gxxxx_enable_int (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_int_types_t mask, bool enable)
 Enable or disable event and/or data interrupts on signal INT1 and INT2/DRDY
l3gxxxx_int_src_t l3gxxxx_wait_int (l3gxxxx_t *dev)
 Wait for event and/or data interrupts on signals INT1 and INT2/DRDY
int l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, const l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t *cfg)
 Set new configuration for event interrupt generation.
int l3gxxxx_get_int_event_cfg (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t *cfg)
 Get current configuration of event interrupt generation.

Low level interface functions

int l3gxxxx_reg_write (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, uint8_t reg, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
 Direct write to register.
int l3gxxxx_reg_read (const l3gxxxx_t *dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
 Direct read from register.

L3Gxxxx addresses

#define L3GXXXX_I2C_ADDR_1   (0x68)
 SDO pin is low.
#define L3GXXXX_I2C_ADDR_2   (0x69)
 SDO pin is high.

L3Gxxxx chip ids

#define L3GXXXX_CHIP_ID_L3GD20H   (0xd7)
 Chip ID for L3GD20H.
#define L3GXXXX_CHIP_ID_L3GD20   (0xd4)
 Chip ID for L3GD20.
#define L3GXXXX_CHIP_ID_X3G42XXD   (0xd3)
 Chip ID for L3G4200D, I3G4250D, A3G4250D.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define L3GXXXX_CHIP_ID_L3GD20   (0xd4)

Chip ID for L3GD20.

Definition at line 1003 of file l3gxxxx.h.


#define L3GXXXX_CHIP_ID_L3GD20H   (0xd7)

Chip ID for L3GD20H.

Definition at line 1002 of file l3gxxxx.h.


#define L3GXXXX_CHIP_ID_X3G42XXD   (0xd3)

Chip ID for L3G4200D, I3G4250D, A3G4250D.

Definition at line 1004 of file l3gxxxx.h.


#define L3GXXXX_I2C_ADDR_1   (0x68)

SDO pin is low.

Definition at line 993 of file l3gxxxx.h.


#define L3GXXXX_I2C_ADDR_2   (0x69)

SDO pin is high.

Definition at line 994 of file l3gxxxx.h.


Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: FIFO is completely filled.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1235
Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: FIFO becomes empty.
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1239
Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: FIFO filling exceeds the watermark level (threshold)
Definition l3gxxxx.h:1231

Data interrupts (Data ready and FIFO status)

This define combines the data interrupt types of l3gxxxx_int_types_t that use the INT2/DRDY signal to an ORed value.

Definition at line 1253 of file l3gxxxx.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ l3gxxxx_data_fifo_t

typedef l3gxxxx_data_t l3gxxxx_data_fifo_t[32]

Angular rates FIFO type.

Definition at line 1380 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_raw_data_fifo_t

typedef l3gxxxx_raw_data_t l3gxxxx_raw_data_fifo_t[32]

Raw output data FIFO type.

Definition at line 1375 of file l3gxxxx.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

Definition of error codes.




I2C communication error.


SPI communication error.


wrong chip id read from WHO_AM_I reg


invalid device type used


sensor mode is invalid or not available


FIFO mode is invalid or not available.


invalid interrupt type used


no new data are available


reading raw output data failed


reading raw output data from FIFO failed


INT1 signal pin not configured


INT2/DRDY signal pin not configured


sensor is in bypass mode


sensor is in FIFO mode

Definition at line 1008 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_fifo_mode_t

FIFO mode.

The integrated FIFO with up to 32 data samples can be used in different modes. The mode defines the behavior of FIFO when it becomes full.


FIFO is not used (default)


Data samples are stored in the FIFO until it is full.


FIFO is used as ring buffer and newest data samples are stored continuously.


FIFO is used in Stream mode until an interrupt, switches then to FIFO mode (L3GD20H and L3GD20 only)


FIFO is not used until an interrupt, switches then to Stream mode (L3GD20H and L3GD20 only)


like Stream mode, but differs in reading the first data sample after emptying (L3GD20H only)


FIFO is not used until an interrupt, switches then to FIFO mode (L3GD20H only)

Definition at line 1112 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_filter_sel_t

High pass filter (HPF) and low pass filter 2 (LPF2) selection.

L3Gxxxx sensors integrate a combination of two low pass filters (LPF) and one high pass filter (HPF).

First, raw sensor data are always filtered by LPF1 with a cutoff frequency that is fixed for the selected output data rate (ODR), see l3gxxxx_odr_t. Resulting data can then optionally be filtered by HPF and/or LPF2. Both filters can be used or bypassed.

+---------------> L3GXXXX_NO_FILTER
| +----- +
+------------+--->| |---> L3GXXXX_LPF2_ONLY
| | LPF2 |
+-----+ +------+ | +-----+ +--->| |---> L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2
| | | | | | | | +------+
| ADC |-->| LPF1 |--+-->| HPF |--+---------------> L3GXXXX_HPF_ONLY
| | | | | |
+-----+ +------+ +-----+

l3gxxxx_filter_sel_t defines the possible filter combinations that can be used to select the filters for the output data and for the interrupt generation separately.

The default filter selection for the output data is L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2 and is defined by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_FILTER_SEL. If the module l3gxxxx_config is used, it can be changed at runtime using function l3gxxxx_select_output_filter.

The default filter selection for event interrupt generation is L3GXXXX_HPF_AND_LPF2 and is defined by default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_INT1_FILTER. It can be changed at runtime with function l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg.

Since same filters are used for the output data as well as the data used for event interrupt generation (selective axes movement / wake-up), the configuration of the filters always affects both data. If the HPF is enabled for filtering the output data, it is also active for filtering the sensor data used for interrupt generation if the LPF2 is enabled for interrupt generation. The other way around, the HPF is also active for filtering the output data when it is enabled for interrupt generation and when the LPF2 is enabled for the output data.

The cutoff frequencies of LPF1 and LPF2 are determined by the used output data rate l3gxxxx_odr_t, see section [Output Data Rates and Filters] (#l3gxxxx_odr_filters). The default cutoff frequency of HPF is 8 Hz and set by the default configuration parameter CONFIG_L3GXXXX_HPF_CUTOFF. If module l3gxxxx_config is used, it can be changed at runtime using function l3gxxxx_config_hpf.


HPF not used, LPF2 not used (default)


HPF used, LPF2 not used.


HPF not used, LPF2 used.


HPF used, LPF2 used.

Definition at line 1189 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_hpf_mode_t

HPF (high pass filter) modes.

The high pass filter can be used in different modes.


Normal mode, HPF is reset by reading the REFERENCE register.


Reference mode, output data are the difference to the REFERENCE register.


Autoreset mode, HPF is automatically reset when a configured event interrupt occurs.

Definition at line 1201 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_if_t

L3Gxxxx interface types.


I2C interface used.


SPI interface used.

Definition at line 1385 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_int_pin_level_t

INT1, INT2/DRDY sensor signal activity level


INT signals are High active (default)


INT signals are Low active.

Definition at line 1341 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_int_pin_type_t

INT1, INT2/DRDY sensor signal type


INT pins are push/pull outputs (default)


INT pins are open-drain.

Definition at line 1349 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_int_types_t

Interrupt types.

L3Gxxxx sensors support different types of interrupts. These are on the one hand the various data interrupts on signal INT2/DRDY and on the other hand event interrupts on signal INT1.

The enumeration values correspond to the according bits in register CTRL3 (L3GXXXX_REG_CTRL3).

L3GXXXX_INT_DATA combines the various data interrupts to an ORed value.


Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: Output data are ready to be read.


Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: FIFO filling exceeds the watermark level (threshold)


Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: FIFO is completely filled.


Data interrupt on signal INT2/DRDY: FIFO becomes empty.


Event interrupt on signal INT1: Angular rate of one or more axes is lower or higher than the configured threshold.

Definition at line 1222 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_odr_t

Sensor output data rates (ODR) and LPF2 cutoff frequencies.

The following output data rates (ODR) and the LPF1/LPF2 cutoff frequencies are defined (Reference: Application Note AN4506):

Mode ODR [Hz] LPF1 cutoff [Hz] LPF2 cutoff [Hz]
High ODR
L3GXXXX_ODR_100_12 100 32 12.5
L3GXXXX_ODR_100_25 100 32 25
L3GXXXX_ODR_200_12 200 63.3 12.5
L3GXXXX_ODR_200_25 200 63.3 25
L3GXXXX_ODR_200_50 200 63.3 50
L3GXXXX_ODR_200_70 200 63.3 70
L3GXXXX_ODR_400_20 400 128 20
L3GXXXX_ODR_400_25 400 128 25
L3GXXXX_ODR_400_50 400 128 50
L3GXXXX_ODR_400_110 400 128 110
L3GXXXX_ODR_800_30 800 211 30
L3GXXXX_ODR_800_35 800 211 35
L3GXXXX_ODR_800_50 800 211 50
L3GXXXX_ODR_800_100 800 211 100
Low ODR (L3GD20H only)
L3GXXXX_ODR_12 12.5 3.9 -
L3GXXXX_ODR_25 25 7.8 -
L3GXXXX_ODR_50 50 16 16.6

Detailed information about the filter chain and possible filter combinations can be found in the section Output data rates and filters.

While LPF1 is always used, LPF2 and HPF have to be explicitly enabled by the configuration parameter l3gxxxx_params_t::filter_sel or the l3gxxxx_select_output_filter function if module l3gxxxx_config is used. L3GXXXX_ODR_100_25 is used by the default configuration.

Low data rates 12.5 Hz, 25 Hz and 50 Hz are only supported by L3GXXXX.

High ODR 100 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 32 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 12.5 Hz.


High ODR 100 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 32 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 25 Hz.


High ODR 200 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 63.3 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 12.5 Hz.


High ODR 200 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 63.3 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 25 Hz.


High ODR 200 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 63.3 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 50 Hz.


High ODR 200 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 63.3 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 70 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 128 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 20 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 128 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 25 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 128 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 50 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 128 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 110 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 211 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 30 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 211 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 35 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 211 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 50 Hz.


High ODR 400 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 211 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 100 Hz.


Low ODR 12.5 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 3.9 Hz, LPF2 not used.


Low ODR 25 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 7.8 Hz, LPF2 not used.


Low ODR 50 Hz, LPF1 cutoff 16 Hz, LPF2 cutoff 16.6 Hz.

Definition at line 1068 of file l3gxxxx.h.

◆ l3gxxxx_scale_t

Full scale in degrees per second (dps)

The full scale value determines the sensitivity of the sensor and thus the range and resolution of the sensor's output data. The resolution of the output data is about Full Scale/INT16_MAX.

On the A34250D, only 245 dps (L3GXXXX_SCALE_245_DPS) is available as full scale value.

245 dps (default)


500 dps


2000 dps

Definition at line 1100 of file l3gxxxx.h.

Function Documentation

◆ l3gxxxx_config_hpf()

int l3gxxxx_config_hpf ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_hpf_mode_t mode,
uint8_t cutoff )

Config HPF (high pass filter) for output data.

The cutoff frequency of the HPF depends on the selected output data rate (ODR). The following table shows the possible values of parameter cutoff and the cutoff frequencies for the according ODRs. All frequencies are given in Hz.

cutoff / ODR 12.5 25 50 100 200 400 800
0 1 2 4 8 15 30 56
1 0.5 1 2 4 8 15 30
2 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 8 15
3 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4 8
4 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4
5 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2
6 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1
7 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5
8 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2
9 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_config is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]modehigh pass filter mode, see l3gxxxx_hpf_mode_t
[in]cutoffcutoff frequency (depends on ODR) [0 ... 9]
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_data_ready()

int l3gxxxx_data_ready ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev)

Data ready status function.

This function returns the number of new data samples that are ready to be read or 0 if no new data samples are available.

If the FIFO is not used or used in bypass mode (L3GXXXX_BYPASS), the maximum number of available data samples is 1. If another FIFO mode is used, the number of available data samples is equal to the number of new data samples in the FIFO.

[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
number of data samples available for read or negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_enable_int()

int l3gxxxx_enable_int ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_int_types_t mask,
bool enable )

Enable or disable event and/or data interrupts on signal INT1 and INT2/DRDY

This function is used to enable or disable interrupts. The parameter mask is the ORed value of the interrupts that are enabled or disabled by the function call.

MCU GPIO pins for the INT1 signal respectively the INT2/DRDY signal have to be defined for enabled interrupts (l3gxxxx_params_t::int1_pin and l3gxxxx_params_t::int2_pin).
This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_irq_data and/or module l3gxxxx_irq_event are used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]maskinterrupts to be enabled or disabled
[in]enableenable the interrupts if true, otherwise disable them
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_get_hpf_ref()

int l3gxxxx_get_hpf_ref ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
int8_t * ref )

Get HPF (high pass filter) reference.

Returns the content of the REFERENCE register. In normal mode L3GXXXX_HPF_NORMAL, it is also used to reset the HPF.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_config is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_get_int_event_cfg()

int l3gxxxx_get_int_event_cfg ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t * cfg )

Get current configuration of event interrupt generation.

This function can be used to retrieve the configuration of interrupt conditions currently used to generate event interrupts. See l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t for details.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_irq_event and module l3gxxxx_irq_config are used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[out]cfgevent interrupt generator configuration
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_init()

int l3gxxxx_init ( l3gxxxx_t * dev,
const l3gxxxx_params_t * params )

Initialize the L3Gxxxx sensor device.

This function resets the sensor and initializes it according to the given configuration parameter set. All registers are reset to their default values. The FIFO is cleared.

[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor to be initialized
[in]paramsL3Gxxxx configuration parameters
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_power_down()

int l3gxxxx_power_down ( l3gxxxx_t * dev)

Power down the sensor.

Changes the sensor operation mode to power-down mode. In this mode almost all internal blocks including the gyros are switched off. I2C and SPI interfaces are still active. The content of the configuration registers is preserved.

[in]devDevice descriptor of L3Gxxxx device to read from
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_power_up()

int l3gxxxx_power_up ( l3gxxxx_t * dev)

Power up the sensor.

Swichtes the sensor back into the last active operation mode. It takes up to 100 ms since the gyros have to be switched on.

[in]devDevice descriptor of L3Gxxxx device to read from
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_read()

int l3gxxxx_read ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_data_t * data )

Read last sample of angular rates in millidegree per second (mpds)

Raw output data are read from the sensor and converted to angular rates in millidegrees per second (mdps). The resolution of the angular rates depends on the configured full scale value as follows:

Full Scale Resolution Driver symbol Remark
±245 dps 8.75 mdps / LSB L3GXXXX_SCALE_245_DPS
±500 dps 17.50 mdps / LSB L3GXXXX_SCALE_500_DPS not available on A3G4250D
±2000 dps 70.00 mdps / LSB L3GXXXX_SCALE_2000_DPS not available on A3G4250D

If the FIFO is enabled by module l3gxxxxx_fifo, the function returns only the last sample. To read all samples from the FIFO, function l3gxxxx_read_fifo has to be used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[out]datalast sample of angular rates in mdps
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_read_fifo()

int l3gxxxx_read_fifo ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_data_fifo_t data )

Get all samples of angular rates stored in the FIFO (unit mdps)

This function reads all samples of raw output data from the FIFO and converts them to angular rates in millidegrees per second (mdps) according to the configured full scale. For details about the resolution of these angular rates see l3gxxxx_read.

In bypass mode (L3GXXXX_BYPASS), it returns only the last sample.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_fifo is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[out]dataarray for up to 32 samples of angular rates in mdps
number of data samples read on success, or negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_read_raw()

int l3gxxxx_read_raw ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_raw_data_t * raw )

Read last sample of raw output data as 16 bit two's complements.

If the FIFO is enabled by module l3gxxxxx_fifo, the function returns only the last sample. To read all samples from the FIFO, function l3gxxxx_read_raw_fifo has to be used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
rawlast sample of raw output data as 16 bit two's complements
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_read_raw_fifo()

int l3gxxxx_read_raw_fifo ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_raw_data_fifo_t raw )

Get all samples of raw output data stored in the FIFO.

This function reads all samples of raw output data from the FIFO. In bypass mode (L3GXXXX_BYPASS), it returns only the last raw output data sample.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_fifo is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[out]rawarray for up to 32 raw output data as two's complement
number of data samples read on success, or negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_reg_read()

int l3gxxxx_reg_read ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
uint8_t reg,
uint8_t * data,
uint8_t len )

Direct read from register.

This function should only be used to do something special that is not covered by the high level interface AND if you exactly know what you do and what effects it might have. Please be aware that it might affect the high level interface.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]regaddress of the first register to be read
[out]datapointer to the data to be read from the register
[in]lennumber of bytes to be read from the register
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_reg_write()

int l3gxxxx_reg_write ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
uint8_t reg,
const uint8_t * data,
uint8_t len )

Direct write to register.

This function should only be used to do something special that is not covered by the high level interface AND if you exactly know what you do and what effects it might have. Please be aware that it might affect the high level interface.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]regaddress of the first register to be changed
[in]datapointer to the data to be written to the register
[in]lennumber of bytes to be written to the register
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_select_output_filter()

int l3gxxxx_select_output_filter ( l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_filter_sel_t filter )

Filter selection for raw output data.

L3Gxxxx supports a combination of a high pass filter (HPF) and a second low pass filter (LPF2). This function selects the combination of the HPF and the LPF2 applied to raw output data.

  • This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_config is used.
  • The filter selection for the output data also affects the filter selection for event interrupt generation. If the HPF is enabled for filtering the output data, it is also active for filtering the sensor data used for interrupt generation if the LPF2 is enabled for interrupt generation.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]filterselected filters for output values
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_set_fifo_mode()

int l3gxxxx_set_fifo_mode ( l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_fifo_mode_t mode,
uint8_t watermark )

Set FIFO mode and watermark level (threshold)

The FIFO buffer can work in seven different modes and is able to store up to 32 data samples, see l3gxxxx_fifo_mode_t. The use of the FIFO allows to reduce the interaction events of the MCU with the sensor and thus to save power.

The watermark level can be used to define the number of raw output data samples that have to be stored in the FIFO before the watermark flag is set and the L3GXXXX_INT_FIFO_WATERMARK is triggered, if enabled. The watermark flag is set and the interrupt L3GXXXX_INT_FIFO_WATERMARK is triggered when the number of samples stored in the FIFO becomes greater than this watermark level (threshold).

This function is available only if modules l3gxxxx_fifo and l3gxxxx_config are used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]modeFIFO mode
[in]watermarkFIFO watermark (ignored in bypass mode)
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_set_hpf_ref()

int l3gxxxx_set_hpf_ref ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
int8_t ref )

Set HPF (high pass filter) reference.

Used to set the reference for HPF in reference mode L3GXXXX_HPF_REFERENCE and to reset the HPF in autoreset mode L3GXXXX_HPF_AUTORESET. Reference is given as two's complement.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_config is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]refreference in L3GXXXX_HPF_REFERENCE mode, otherwise ignored
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg()

int l3gxxxx_set_int_event_cfg ( const l3gxxxx_t * dev,
const l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t * cfg )

Set new configuration for event interrupt generation.

The event interrupt generator produces interrupts (axis movement and wake-up) on signal INT1 whenever the angular rate of one or more axes becomes higher or lower than defined thresholds.

This function can be used at runtime to change the configuration of the interrupt conditions for event interrupt generation. This includes thresholds for all axes, enabled threshold interrupts, filter selection used for interrupt generation and other parameters, see l3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_t for details.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_irq_event is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]cfgevent interrupt generator configuration
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_set_mode()

int l3gxxxx_set_mode ( l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_odr_t odr,
bool x,
bool y,
bool z )

Set sensor mode.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_config is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]odroutput data rate (ODR) and LPF2 cutoff frequency
[in]xenable X axis measurements if true
[in]yenable Y axis measurements if true
[in]zenable Z axis measurements if true
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_set_scale()

int l3gxxxx_set_scale ( l3gxxxx_t * dev,
l3gxxxx_scale_t scale )

Set full scale.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_config is used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
[in]scalefulle scale
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_sleep()

int l3gxxxx_sleep ( l3gxxxx_t * dev)

Sleep mode.

Activates the sleep mode of the sensor. In this mode, measurements for all axes are disabled, but the gyroscopes remain on. To return from sleep mode, function l3gxxxx_wake_up is used.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_sleep is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of L3Gxxxx device to read from
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_wait_int()

l3gxxxx_int_src_t l3gxxxx_wait_int ( l3gxxxx_t * dev)

Wait for event and/or data interrupts on signals INT1 and INT2/DRDY

The function waits for a configured interrupt and returns the sources of triggered interrupts. Since data interrupts (data ready and FIFO status) and event interrupts (axis movement and wake-up) use different signals, both data and event interrupts can occur simultaneously. The return value of type l3gxxxx_int_src_t contains all sources for which the interrupt conditions are fulfilled at the same time.

MCU GPIO pins for the INT1 signal respectively the INT2/DRDY signal have to be defined for enabled interrupts (l3gxxxx_params_t::int1_pin and l3gxxxx_params_t::int2_pin).
This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_irq_data and/or module l3gxxxx_irq_event are used.
[in]devdevice descriptor of the L3Gxxxx sensor
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t

◆ l3gxxxx_wake_up()

int l3gxxxx_wake_up ( l3gxxxx_t * dev)

Wake-up the sensor.

Swichtes the sensor back into the last active operation mode. It takes only 1/ODR when LPF2 is disabled and 6/ODR when LPF2 is enabled to continue measurements.

This function is available only if module l3gxxxx_sleep is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of L3Gxxxx device to read from
Return values
L3GXXXX_OKon success
L3GXXXX_ERROR_*negative error code, see l3gxxxx_error_codes_t