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Flashing via RIOT's Build System

General Approach

In general, flashing a board from RIOT is as straight forward as typing in a shell (with the application directory as current working directory):


This will rebuild AND flash the application in the current working directory for board <BOARD-TO-FLASH>, using its default programming tool. If you want to use an alternative programming tool, say stm32flash, use:

make BOARD=<BOARD-TO-FLASH> PROGRAMMER=stm32flash flash

To flash without rebuilding use flash-only as target instead of flash.

Supported Tools

RIOT supports plenty of flashing tools, that are below grouped into general flashing tools that support multiple MCU families, and specialized tools that only support one platform.

Note that some programmers require additional configuration on a per board level or rely on features only available on some boards. Hence, a given board may not be supported by a programmer listed as supported for the platform of the board due to a missing board feature, bootloader, or similar.

To ease use the programmers are given by the value to pass via PROGRAMMER=<value>, rather than the official spelling of the programmer.

Compatibility Matrix of Generic Tools

MCU Family bmp dfu-util jlink openocd pyocd uf2conv
CC13xx / C26xx ✓ (1)
ESP32 (Xtensa)
GD32V ✓ (1)


  1. Requires a patched version of the programmer tool

Specialized Flashing Tools Per Platform

The following list only contains single-platform flashing tools. Tools that support multiple platforms are given in section Compatibility Matrix of Generic Tools above.


  • avrdude

CC13xx / CC26xx

  • uniflash


  • cc2538-bsl

ESP8266 / ESP32 (Xtensa) / ESP32 (RISC-V)

  • esptool


  • lpc2k_pgm


  • mspdebug
  • goodfet


  • adafruit-nrfutil (requires Adafruit bootloader)
  • nrfutil (required nRF bootloader)


  • elf2uf2


  • bossa
  • edbg


  • stm32flash
  • stm32loader
  • cpy2remed (requires integrated ST-Link programmer, e.g. Nucleo boards)
  • robotis-loader (requires robotis bootloader, only one board supported)

Programmer Configuration

This section will list additional configuration options to control the behavior of a programming tool, such as selecting the hardware adapter used for programming.

OpenOCD Configuration


OPENOCD_DEBUG_ADAPTER can be set via command line or as environment variable to use non-default flashing hardware.


OPENOCD_RESET_USE_CONNECT_ASSERT_SRST can be set via command line or as environment variable to 0 to disable resetting the board via the SRST line. This is useful when the SRST signal is not connected to the debug adapter or when using cheap ST-Link V2 clones with broken SRST output. Note that it may not be possible to attach the debugger while the MCU is in deep sleeping mode. If this is set to 0 by the user, the user may need a carefully timed reset button press to be able to flash the board.


OPENOCD_PRE_FLASH_CMDS can be set as environment variable to pass additional commands to OpenOCD prior to flashing, e.g. to disable flash write protection.


OPENOCD_PRE_VERIFY_CMDS can be set as environment variable to pass additional flags to OpenOCD prior to verifying the flashed firmware. E.g. this is used in the pba-d-01-kw2x to disable the watchdog to prevent it from disrupting the verification process.


OPENOCD_PRE_FLASH_CHECK_SCRIPT can be set via command line or as environment variable to execute a script before OpenOCD starts flashing. It is used for Kinetis boards to prevent bricking a board by locking the flash via magic value in the flash configuration field protection bits.

The script is expected to exit with code 0 if flashing should resume, or with exit code 1 if flashing should be aborted.


OPENOCD_DEBUG_ADAPTER can be set via command line or as environment variable to use non-default OpenOCD configuration file.


OPENOCD_TRANSPORT can be set via command line or as environment variable to select a non-default transport protocol. E.g. to use JTAG rather than SWD for a board that defaults to SWD use:


Note that OpenOCD configuration file of a given board may only support SWD or JTAG. Also JTAG requires more signal lines to be connected compared to SWD and some internal programmers only have the SWD signal lines connected, so that JTAG will not be possible.

stm32flash Configuration

It is possible to automatically boot the STM32 board into the in-ROM bootloader that stm32flash communicates with for flashing by connecting the RST pin to DTR and the BOOT pin (or BOOT0 for STM32 MCU families with BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins) to RTS of the TTL adapter. In addition, set STM32FLASH_RESET to 1 via environment or command line to actually issue a reset with BOOT (or BOOT0) pulled high prior flashing to enter the bootloader, and a second reset with BOOT (or BOOT0) pulled low to reboot into the application. STM32FLASH_RESET defaults to 0 as of know, as with PROGRAMMER=stm32flash STM32FLASH_RESET=1 additional terminal flags are set, so that make term doesn't accidentally keeps the reset signal pulled low or boot the board into the bootloader.

The TTL adapter this was tested with had inverted RTS and DTR signal. By setting STM32FLASH_RESET_INVERT to 1 RIOT will assume RTS and DTR signals to be inverted, by setting it to 0 non-inverted signals will be generated. As of now, STM32FLASH_RESET_INVERT is by default 1. This may change if it becomes evident that non-inverted TTL adapters are in fact more common than inverted adapters.

MSPDEBUG Configuration

All options can be passed as environment variables or as make arguments. All options except for DEBUGSERVER_PORT apply to both debugging and flashing alike.

MSPDEBUG_PROGRAMMER is used to set the hardware programmer/debugger to use for programming and debugging. See mspdebug --help or man mspdebug for a list of programmers.

MSPDEBUG_PROTOCOL is used to specify the debugger protocol. It is typically set by the board used. Only JTAG and Spi-Bi-Wire are supported.

MSPDEBUG_TTY is used to connect via TTY interface instead of directly via USB to the debugger. Usually, this is not required.

DEBUG_ADAPTER_ID is used to select the debugger/programmer by its serial. If not set, mspdebug will select the first device with matching vendor and product ID. Unless multiple debuggers of the same type are connected, this options is typically not needed.

DEBUGSERVER_PORT is used to specify the TCP port to listen for GDB to connect to. It defaults to 2000.

Handling Multiple Boards With UDEV-Rules

When developing and working with multiple boards the default PORT configuration for a particular board might not apply anymore so PORT will need to be specified whenever calling make term/test. This can also happen if multiple DEBUGGERS/PROGRAMMERS are present so DEBUG_ADAPTER_ID will also need to be passed. Keeping track of this will become annoying.

One way of handling this is to use udev rules to define SYMLINKS between the boards serial port (riot/tty-<board-name>) and the actual serial port (dev/ttyACM* or other). With this we can query the rest of the boards serial dev information (DEBUG_ADAPTER_ID, PORT, etc.) to always flash and open a terminal on the correct port.


  • use udevadm info /dev/ttyACM0 to query the udev database for information on device on port /dev/ttyACM0.

    or use udevadm info --attribute-walk --name /dev/ttyACM0 for more detailed output when the first level of information isn't enough

  • create a udev rule with information of the device and one parent to create a matching rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-riotboards.rules.
# samr21-xpro
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", \
ATTRS{idProduct}=="2111", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="Atmel Corp.", \
ATTRS{serial}=="ATML2127031800004957", SYMLINK+="riot/tty-samr21-xpro"
  • reload rules: udevadm control --reload-rules
  • Boards PORT are symlinked to /dev/riot/tty-board-name.
  • Create a makefile.pre that will query the real PORT and the DEBUG_ADAPTER_ID from the SYMLINK info
PORT = /dev/riot/tty-$(BOARD)
shell udevadm info -q property $(PORT) |\
  • You can now add makefile.pre to RIOT_MAKEFILES_GLOBAL_PRE as an environment variable or on each make call:
$ RIOT_MAKEFILES_GLOBAL_PRE=/path/to/makefile.pre make -C examples/basic/hello-world flash term
if set as an environment variable it would be a good idea to add a variable to enable/disable it, e.g:
PORT = /dev/riot/tty-$(BOARD)
shell udevadm info -q property $(PORT) |\

Handling Multiple Versions of the Same BOARD

The above procedure works fine when handling different boards, but not multiple times the same board, e.g: multiple samr21-xpro.

An option for this would be to add an identifier of that board to the mapped riot/tty-*, there are multiple ways of handling this but in the end it means having a way to identify every copy.

Another way would be to map the DEBUG_ADAPTER_ID in the name:


But it will require to know in advance the serial number of each board you want to use. Another option would be to add some kind of numbering and defining multiple symlinks for each board. e.g. for samr21-xpro number n:

# samr21-xpro
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", \
ATTRS{idProduct}=="2111", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="Atmel Corp.", \
ATTRS{serial}=="ATML2127031800004957", SYMLINK+="riot/tty-samr21-xpro", \

Then, when flashing, the number can be specified and the parsing adapted:

PORT = /dev/riot/tty-$(BOARD)-$(BOARD_NUM)
PORT = /dev/riot/tty-$(BOARD)
shell udevadm info -q property $(PORT) |\
BOARD=samr21-xpro BOARD_NUM=n make flash term

In the end, this would be the same as using the serial, but a simple number might be easier to handle.


Udev only parses SUBSYSTEM and one parent. For others, we will rely on ENV variables defined by 60-serial.rules

So the current filename should be higher than 60-serial.rules

If for some reason re-writing the serial is needed there is a windows tool:


Handling Multiple Boards Without UDEV-Rules

This is a simpler approach to the above mentioned issue. The solution here only uses a makefile script for selecting the debugger and serial port. No administrative privileges (e.g. to configure Udev) are required.

One of the limitations of the solution described here is that it currently doesn't work with multiple boards of the same type. This limitation is a limitation of the script and not of the mechanism used, it is possible to adapt the script to support multiple boards of the same type. This modification is left as an exercise to the reader.

The following Make snippet is used:

# Adapt this list to your board collection
SERIAL_nucleo-f103rb ?= 066BFF343633464257254156
SERIAL_same54-xpro ?= ATML2748051800005053
SERIAL_samr21-xpro ?= ATML2127031800008360
SERIAL_nrf52dk ?= 000682223007
ifeq (1,$(LOCAL_BOARD_MAP))
# Retrieve the serial of the selected board
# Check if there is a serial for the board
ifneq (,$(BOARD_SERIAL))
# Set the variables used by various debug tools to the selected serial
# Use the existing script to grab the matching /dev/ttyACM* device
PORT ?= $(shell $(RIOTTOOLS)/usb-serial/ --most-recent --format path --serial $(SERIAL))

The array of board serial numbers has to be edited to match your local boards. The serial numbers used here is the USB device serial number as reported by the debugger hardware. With the make list-ttys it is reported as the 'serial':

$ make list-ttys
path | driver | vendor | model | model_db | serial | ctime
/dev/ttyUSB0 | cp210x | Silicon Labs | CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller | CP210x UART Bridge | 0001 | 15:58:13
/dev/ttyACM1 | cdc_acm | STMicroelectronics | STM32 STLink | ST-LINK/V2.1 | 0671FF535155878281151932 | 15:58:04
/dev/ttyACM3 | cdc_acm | Arduino ( | EOS High Power | Mega ADK R3 (CDC ACM) | 75230313733351110120 | 15:59:57
/dev/ttyACM2 | cdc_acm | SEGGER | J-Link | J-Link | 000683475134 | 12:41:36

When the above make snippet is included as RIOT_MAKEFILES_GLOBAL_PRE, the serial number of the USB device is automatically set if the used board is included in the script. This will then ensure that the board debugger is used for flashing and the board serial device is used when starting the serial console.

It supports command line parameters to filter by vendor name, model name, serial number, or driver. In addition, the --most-recent argument will only print the most recently added interface (out of those matching the filtering by vendor, model, etc.). The --format path argument will result in only the device path being printed for convenient use in scripts.

Handling Multiple Boards: Simplest Approach

Passing MOST_RECENT_PORT=1 as environment variable or as parameter to make will result in the most recently connected board being preferred over the default PORT for the selected board.

For some boards TTY_BOARD_FILTER is provided, which filters TTYs e.g. by vendor or model to only considered TTYs that actually may belong to the selected board. E.g. for Nucleo boards this is ‘--model 'STM32 STLink’`, as they all use an integrated STLink as programmer. As long as only one TTY is provided from an STLink, this will reliably select the correct TTY for an Nucleo regardless of which TTY was most recently connected. Some boards even provide info that allows to always reliably identify them correctly (e.g. the firmware on the ATmega16U2 used as USB to UART converted on Arduino Mega2560 will provide identification data unique to that board).

Adding Board Filters

After connecting as many variants of the board you target (and maybe some others to test that the filter actually filters out non-matching boards). Then first run ./dist/tools/usb-serial/ without arguments and study the output. When a genuine Arduino Mega 2560, a genuine Arduino Mega ADK (a variant of the Mega 2560),a cheap Arduino Mega 2560 clone, a BBC micro:bit v2, and a Nucleo F767-ZI are connected, the following output is shown:

path driver vendor model model_db serial ctime iface_num
/dev/ttyACM0 cdc_acm Arduino ( 0042 Mega 2560 R3 (CDC ACM) 857353134333519002C1 12:13:55 0
/dev/ttyACM1 cdc_acm Arduino ( EOS High Power Mega ADK R3 (CDC ACM) 75230313733351110120 15:59:57 0
/dev/ttyACM2 cdc_acm STMicroelectronics STM32 STLink ST-LINK/V2.1 0670FF535155878281123912 10:00:39 2
/dev/ttyACM3 cdc_acm Arm BBC micro:bit CMSIS-DAP ARM mbed 99053602000528334c41b84da1f2f09d000000006e052820 12:21:03 1
/dev/ttyUSB0 cp210x Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller CP2102/CP2109 UART Bridge Controller [CP210x family] 0001 16:57:27 0

Now we add arguments to the invocation of to filter the list e.g. by model, vendor etc. (note: as regex!) ideally until only the target boards are listed. Some boards do not provide enough information to e.g. tell them apart from other boards using the same USB to UART bridge or the same debugger. In that case we have to live with some "bycatch".

In the case of the Arduino Mega 2560 the parameters ‘--vendor 'Arduino’ –model-db 'Mega 2560|Mega ADK'will narrow down the list to only show the genuine Arduino Mega versions. Se we add to the Makefile.includeinboards/arduino-mega2560`:

TTY_BOARD_FILTER := --vendor 'Arduino' --model-db 'Mega 2560|Mega ADK'

Note that also matching the R3 in Mega 2560 R3 would prevent matching older or newer revisions than R3, so we don't add that to the regex.

Advances Board Filters

In most cases, just adding a simple TTY_BOARD_FILTER is sufficient. If we however have wildly different flavors of the same board (e.g. genuine Arduino Mega 2560 with an ATmega16U2 and clones with a cheap USB to UART bridge) that we all want to support, we have to instead provide a TTY_SELECT_CMD that prints the path to and the serial of the TTY (separated by a space) and exists with 0 if a TTY was found, or that exists with 1 and prints nothing when no TTY was found. We can still use the script to detect all Arduino Mega 2560 versions: We first try to detect a genuine Arduino Mega and fall back to selecting cheap USB UART bridges when that fails using the || shell operator:

TTY_SELECT_CMD := $(RIOTTOOLS)/usb-serial/ \
--most-recent \
--format path serial \
--vendor 'Arduino' \
--model-db 'Mega 2560|Mega ADK' || \
$(RIOTTOOLS)/usb-serial/ \
--most-recent \
--format path serial \
--driver 'cp210x'