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Detailed Description

Networking libraries.


 (D)TLS Credential Manager
 Credentials management module for (D)TLS.
 Provides 6LoWPAN dispatch types and helper functions.
 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) support for RIOT.
 CAN (Controller Area Network)
 RIOT CAN stack.
 CSMA/CA helper
 This interface allows code from layer 2 (MAC) or higher to send packets with CSMA/CA, whatever the abilities and/or configuration of a given radio transceiver device are.
 CoAP defines
 Generic CoAP values as defined by RFC7252.
 CoRE RD Endpoint and Lookup Client
 Library for interacting as endpoint and lookup client with CoRE Resource Directories.
 DNS defines
 Generic DNS mock values.
 DNS defines
 Generic DNS values.
 DTLS support in RIOT.
 DTLS Session Management (DSM)
 This module provides functionality to store and retrieve session information of DTLS connections.
 General values defined by the BLE Eddystone beacon format.
 Ether types
 Ether types.
 Provides Ethernet header and helper functions.
 Forwarding Information Base (FIB)
 FIB implementation.
 High-level interface to CoAP messaging.
 Generic (GNRC) network stack
 RIOT's modular default IP network stack.
 IANA Port Ranges
 Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry.
 IEEE 802.15.4
 IEEE 802.15.4 components.
 IEEE EUI-48 identifier
 Definition and IPv6 IID conversion for IEEE EUI-48 identifiers.
 IEEE EUI-48/64 provider
 MAC address management.
 IEEE EUI-64 identifier
 Type definition of the IEEE EUI-64 identifier.
 IPv4 types and helper functions.
 Provides types and helper functions related to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
 Internet Checksum
 Provides a function to calculate the Internet Checksum.
 Link layer address filter
 Module for filtering (black- or white-listing) link layer addresses.
 List of scanned WiFis access points
 Wrapper around l2scan list for WiFi scan results.
 LoRa modulation
 LoRa modulation header definitions.
 LoRaMAC definitions.
 Provides utilities and helpers for LoRaWAN packets.
 LwM2M - Lightweight Machine to Machine
 LwM2M implementation based on the Wakaama package.
 MQTT-SN Client (Asymcute)
 Asymcute is an asynchronous MQTT-SN implementation.
 MQTT-SN Client (emCute)
 emCute, the MQTT-SN implementation for RIOT
 MQTT-SN Defines
 Shared definitions for MQTT-SN.
 NTP Packet
 The NTP packet module provides functionality to manipulate the NTP header.
 Netopt - Configuration options for network APIs
 List of available configuration options for the Netdev - Network Device Driver API and the GNRC communication interface.
 Network helper functions
 Common network helper functions.
 Network interfaces
 Common network interface API.
 OpenThread network stack
 Provides a RIOT adaption of the OpenThread network stack.
 OpenWSN network stack
 Provides a RIOT adaption of the OpenWSN network stack.
 Packet interface on device level
 Packet address family definitions.
 Packet statistics per module
 Each module may store information about sent and received packets.
 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Data Link Layer
 PPP types.
 Protocol Numbers
 Defines for the Protocol Numbers as they are used in the IPv4 protocol field and the IPv6 next header field (ipv6_hdr_t::nh).
 Provides SOME/IP header and field defines.
 Scan List - List of wireless access points
 Internal list data structure of scanned access points NETOPT_SCAN.
 Semtech LoRaMAC implementation
 Provides a RIOT adaption of Semtech LoRaMAC implementation.
 Simple Network Time Protocol
 Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) implementation.
 Sock API
 Provides a network API for applications and library.
 Stack-independent helpers for IPv6 over X
 This implements some common helper functions for IPv6 over X implementations based on [network device types] (net_netdev_type).
 Provides TCP header and helper functions.
 TinyDTLS for RIOT
 Provides the Eclipse TinyDTLS to RIOT.
 Provides UDP header and helper functions.
 Provides UHCP (micro host configuration protocol)
 UNIX address families
 Global UNIX address family definitions.
 Provides Wi-Fi definitions.
 WolfSSL Embedded SSL/TLS library
 Provides the WolfSSL SSL/TLS solution.
 ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol
 Provides definitions for the ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol (ZEP)
 lwIP network stack
 Provides the lwIP network stack.
 nanoCoAP Sock
 Synchronous sock based messaging with nanocoap.
 nanoCoAP small CoAP library
 CoAP library optimized for minimal resource usage.
 openDSME - IEEE 802.15.4 DSME
 Support for IEEE 802.15.4 Deterministic and Synchronous Multi-channel Extension.


file  platform_config.h
 Implementation of OpenThread platform config.