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CoRE RD Endpoint and Lookup Client

Library for interacting as endpoint and lookup client with CoRE Resource Directories. More...

Detailed Description

Library for interacting as endpoint and lookup client with CoRE Resource Directories.


The cord ([Co]RE [R]esource [D]irectory) module provides endpoint and lookup client functionality for interacting with CoRE Resource Directories (RDs) as defined in draft-ietf-core-resource-directory-27.

See also

draft-ietf-core-resource-directory-27 defines two types different roles for nodes when interacting with a RD:

Registration Lookup, Group
Interface Interfaces
+----+ | |
| EP |---- | |
+----+ ---- | |
--|- +------+ |
+----+ | ----| | | +--------+
| EP | ---------|-----| RD |----|-----| Client |
+----+ | ----| | | +--------+
--|- +------+ |
+----+ ---- | |
| EP |---- | |

Figure copied form draft-ietf-core-resource-directory-27.

In the context of this module, we refer to these roles as endpoint (ep) and lookup client (lc). This should hopefully prevent some confusion in conjunction with the client and server roles as defined by CoAP.


This module is structured in a number of submodules with goal to reflect the different roles described in draft-ietf-core-resource-directory-27:


 CoRE RD Common
 Shared functionality for CoRE Resource Directory endpoints.
 CoRE RD Configuration
 Configuration options for CoRE RD endpoints and lookup clients.
 CoRE RD Endpoint
 Library for using RIOT as CoRE Resource Directory endpoint.
 CoRE RD Lookup Client
 Library for using RIOT as CoRE Resource Directory (RD) lookup client.
 CoRE RD Simple Registration Endpoint
 CoRE Resource Directory endpoint using the simple registration procedure.