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VL6180X Ranging and Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) module

Device driver for the ST VL6180X Ranging and Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) module More...

Detailed Description

Device driver for the ST VL6180X Ranging and Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) module


About the sensor

The ST VL6180X is a low-power proximity and ambient light sensor with an I2C interface that uses time-to-flight technology for distance measurements. It can be used for ranging and/or ambient light sensing (ALS). Measurements can be automatically performed at user-defined intervals.

To minimize host operations, interrupts can be used either when new sensor data are ready to be read or when sensor values exceed configured thresholds.

Supported Features

The driver supports different levels of functionality, which can be enabled by using pseudomodules according to the requirements of the application. This ensures that the driver only uses as much ROM/RAM as really needed.

As basic functionality the driver supports:

The following pseudomodules are used to enable additional functionalities:

Pseudomodule Functionality
vl6180x_irq Data ready and event interrupt handling
vl6180x_suhtdown Power-down and power-up functions
vl6180x_config Functions for changing configurations at runtime

The following table shows the mapping of which modules have to be used to enable which functions of the VL6180X.

Feature Module
Ranging in single-shot or continuous mode vl6180x_rng
Ambient light sensing (ALS) in single-shot or continuous mode vl6180x_als
Data ready and event interrupt handling vl6180x_irq
Power-down and power-up functions vl6180x_shutdown
Configuration of the sensor at runtime vl6180x_config

  • If the handling of interrupts for data ready and event interrupts is enabled by module vl6180x_irq, the GPIO pin for the interrupt signal (sensor pin GPIO1) must be defined by the configuration parameter vl6180x_params_t::int_pin. The default configuration of this GPIO pin is defined by VL6180X_PARAM_INT_PIN that can be overridden by the board definition. The interrupt signal is LOW active.
  • If power-down and power-up functions are enabled by module vl6180x_shutdown, the GPIO pin for the shutdown signal (sensor pin GPIO0/CE) must be defined by the configuration parameter vl6180x_params_t::shutdown_pin. The default configuration of this GPIO pin is defined by VL6180X_PARAM_SHUTDOWN_PIN that can be overridden by the board definition. The shutdown signal is LOW active.

Using the driver


The easiest way to use the driver is simply to initialize the sensor with function vl6180x_init using the default configuration parameter set vl6180x_params as defined in file vl6180x_params.h.

static vl6180x_t dev;
... // error handling
int vl6180x_init(vl6180x_t *dev, const vl6180x_params_t *params)
Initialize the VL6180X sensor device.
@ VL6180X_OK
Definition vl6180x.h:415
VL6180X sensor device data structure type.
Definition vl6180x.h:621
static const vl6180x_params_t vl6180x_params[]
Allocate some memory to store the actual configuration.

After initialization, the sensor is configured according to the standard configuration parameters and is fully operational.

Operation modes

The VL6180X can be used in two modes

If the configured measurement period is 0, the single-shot mode is enabled after initialization for both the range and ALS measurements. The functions vl6180x_rng_start_single and vl6180x_als_start_single must then be used to start a single measurement.

Otherwise, the continuous mode is activated for both measurements and continuous measurements started automatically after sensor initialization with the configured measurement period.

Fetching data

To get data, the user task can use either

while (1)
uint16_t als;
uint16_t lux;
uint8_t rng;
// execute task every 20 ms
// test for new data and fetch them if available
vl6180x_als_read(&dev, &als, &lux) == VL6180X_OK) {
if (vl6180x_rng_read(&dev, &rng) == VL6180X_OK) {
int vl6180x_rng_read(vl6180x_t *dev, uint8_t *mm)
Read one ranging data sample in mm.
int vl6180x_als_data_ready(const vl6180x_t *dev)
ALS data ready status function.
int vl6180x_als_read(vl6180x_t *dev, uint16_t *raw, uint16_t *lux)
Read one ambient light sensing (ALS) data sample.
int vl6180x_rng_data_ready(const vl6180x_t *dev)
Range data ready status function.
#define US_PER_MS
The number of microseconds per millisecond.
Definition time_units.h:90
static void xtimer_usleep(uint32_t microseconds)
Pause the execution of a thread for some microseconds.

Output data format

Function vl6180x_als_read returns one ALS data sample as raw count value and, if required, as illuminance in Lux. The range of the count value depends on

The count value is returned in parameter raw while the illuminance is returned in parameter lux. For either raw or lux also NULL can be passed, if only one value is of interest.

If ALS value is invalid because of a measurement error, VL6180X_ERROR_ALS is returned. The vl6180x_als_status function can then be used to get an error code of type vl6180x_als_status_t.

Function vl6180x_rng_read returns the ranging data in millimeters. If ranging value is invalid because of a measurement error, VL6180X_ERROR_RNG is returned and function vl6180x_rng_status function can then be used to get an error code of type vl6180x_rng_status_t.

Using Interrupts

The VL6180X sensor allows the use of different types of interrupts on signal GPIO1 for range and ALS measurements:

Interrupts are only supported when module vl6180x_irq is used.

Interrupt configuration

These interrupts can be enabled separately for the range and ALS measurements by the interrupt mode of type vl6180x_int_mode_t

Interrupt mode Driver symbol
New data are ready to be read VL6180X_INT_DRDY
Sensor data are below the lower threshold VL6180X_INT_LOW
Sensor data are above the upper threshold VL6180X_INT_HIGH
Sensor data are below the lower threshold or above the upper threshold VL6180X_INT_OUT

Only one of the interrupt modes must be enabled at the same time for the same measurement.

For event interrupts, upper and lower thresholds have to be defined, with the upper and lower thresholds defining a threshold window of type vl6180x_int_thresh_t.

In default configuration, VL6180X_INT_DRDY is used both for range and ALS measurements if module vl6180x_irq is used.

The enabled interrupts can be changed with the vl6180x_int_enable function which takes a parameter of type vl6180x_int_config_t which simply contains the interrupt mode of type vl6180x_int_mode_t for range and ALS measurements.

.als_int = VL6180X_INT_DRDY };
vl6180x_int_enable(&dev, mode);
int vl6180x_int_enable(vl6180x_t *dev, vl6180x_int_config_t mode)
Enable and disable interrupts.
Interrupt is triggered when new data are ready to be read.
Definition vl6180x.h:495
Interrupt is triggered when values are below the lower threshold or above the upper threshold (value ...
Definition vl6180x.h:492
Interrupt config.
Definition vl6180x.h:512

If module vl6180x_config is used, the thresholds for event interrupts can be changed using function vl6180x_int_config, for example:

thresh.rng_low = 30;
thresh.rng_high = 100;
thresh.als_low = 10;
thresh.als_high = 1000;
vl6180x_int_config(&dev, thresh);
int vl6180x_int_config(vl6180x_t *dev, vl6180x_int_thresh_t thresh)
Configure thresholds for event interrupts at runtime.
Interrupt threshold configuration.
Definition vl6180x.h:535
uint8_t rng_high
upper threshold for range values
Definition vl6180x.h:537
uint8_t rng_low
lower threshold for range values
Definition vl6180x.h:538
uint16_t als_high
upper threshold for ALS values
Definition vl6180x.h:541
uint16_t als_low
lower threshold for ALS values
Definition vl6180x.h:542

Interrupt usage

All functions of the driver require direct access to the sensor via I2C which does not work in interrupt context.

Therefore, the driver prevents the direct use of the interrupts and application specific ISRs. The only way to use interrupts is to call the function vl6180x_int_wait which enables the interrupt signal for the configured MCU GPIO and then blocks the calling thread until an interrupt is triggered.

Once an interrupt is triggered, the driver handles the interrupt with an internal ISR and then returns from the vl6180x_int_wait function with the interrupt source. The interrupt mode of type vl6180x_int_mode_t respectively the composite type vl6180x_int_config_t which is used for defining enabled interrupts is also used for specifying the interrupt source. It contains a flag for each possible interrupt source which can be tested for true.

vl6180x_int_wait(&dev, &src);
vl6180x_rng_read(&dev, &rng);
printf("RNG: %u [mm]\n", rng);
else if (src.rng_int == VL6180X_INT_OUT) {
printf("RNG: out of window\n");
else if (src.rng_int == VL6180X_INT_RNG_LOW) {
printf("RNG: low level\n");
else if (src.rng_int == VL6180X_INT_RNG_HIGH) {
printf("RNG: high level\n");
vl6180x_als_read(&dev, &als, &lux);
printf("ALS: %u [cnts], %u [lux]\n", als, lux);
else if (src.als_int == VL6180X_INT_OUT) {
printf("ALS: out of window\n");
else if (src.als_int == VL6180X_INT_LOW) {
printf("ALS: low level\n");
else if (src.als_int == VL6180X_INT_HIGH) {
printf("ALS: high level\n");
#define printf(...)
A wrapper for the printf() function that passes arguments through unmodified, but fails to compile if...
Definition stdio.h:60
int vl6180x_int_wait(const vl6180x_t *dev, vl6180x_int_config_t *src)
Wait for configured interrupts and return the interrupt sources.
Interrupt is triggered when values are below the lower threshold.
Definition vl6180x.h:488
Interrupt is triggered when values are above the upper threshold.
Definition vl6180x.h:490
vl6180x_int_mode_t als_int
Interrupt mode for ALS measurements.
Definition vl6180x.h:517
vl6180x_int_mode_t rng_int
Interrupt mode for range measurements.
Definition vl6180x.h:514
#define VL6180X_INT_RNG_HIGH
range > upper threshold
#define VL6180X_INT_RNG_LOW
range < lower threshold

Power Saving

If module vl6180x_shutdown is used, the VL6180X sensor can be shutdown when no measurements are required using the function vl6180x_power_down. The power consumption is then reduced to less than 1 uA. To restart the VL6180X in previous measurement mode, the vl6180x_power_up function can be used.

To use these functions, the MCU GPIO pin connected to the GPIO0/CE pin of the sensor has to be defined by the vl6180x_params_t::pin_shutdown parameter.

Low level functions

Low level level interface functions that allow direct read and write access to the registers of the sensor.

bool vl6180x_reg_read(const vl6180x_t* dev, uint16_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);
bool vl6180x_reg_write(const vl6180x_t* dev, uint16_t reg, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);
int vl6180x_reg_read(const vl6180x_t *dev, uint16_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
Direct read from register.
int vl6180x_reg_write(const vl6180x_t *dev, uint16_t reg, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
Direct write to register.
These functions should only be used to do something special that is not covered by the high level interface AND if you exactly know what you do and what it might affect. Please be aware that it might affect the high level interface.


Default configuration

Default sensor hardware configurations are set in file vl6180x_params.h using the following defines:

Hardware configuration Driver name Default Value
I2C device VL6180X_PARAM_DEV I2C_DEV(0)
I2C address VL6180X_PARAM_ADDR VL6180X_I2C_ADDR
Interrupt pin VL6180X_PARAM_INT_PIN GPIO_PIN(0,1)

These hardware configurations can be overridden either by the board definition or by defining them in the CFLAGS variable in the make command, for example:

USEMODULE='vl6180x_rng vl6180x_als vl6180x_irq` \
BOARD=... make -C tests/drivers/vl6180x
#define GPIO_PIN(x, y)
Define a CPU specific GPIO pin generator macro.
Definition periph_cpu.h:46

The default configuration of the sensor is defined in file vl6180x_params.h using the following defines:

Parameter Default Value Define to be overridden
Period of continuous measurements 200 ms CONFIG_VL6180X_MEAS_PERIOD
Ranging maximum convergence time 50 ms CONFIG_VL6180X_RNG_MAX_TIME
Ranging interrupt mode VL6180X_INT_DRDY CONFIG_VL6180X_RNG_INT
Ranging lower threshold 20 mm CONFIG_VL6180X_RNG_THRESH_LOW
Ranging upper threshold 90 mm CONFIG_VL6180X_RNG_THRESH_HIGH
ALS integration time 100 ms CONFIG_VL6180X_ALS_INT_TIME
ALS analogue gain VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1 CONFIG_VL6180X_ALS_GAIN
ALS lux resolution lux/count*1000 320 CONFIG_VL6180X_ALS_LUX_RES
ALS interrupt mode VL6180X_INT_DRDY CONFIG_VL6180X_ALS_INT
ALS lower threshold 50 counts CONFIG_VL6180X_ALS_THRESH_LOW
ALS upper threshold 2000 counts CONFIG_VL6180X_ALS_THRESH_HIGH

Single or all parameters of the default configuration can be overridden either by placing a modified file vl6180x_params.h in the application directory or by defining them in the variable CFLAGS in the make command line. For example to configure a measurement period of 500 ms and a maximum convergence time for ranging of 60 ms, the following command could be used:

USEMODULE='vl6180x_rng vl6180x_als` \
BOARD=... make -C tests/drivers/vl6180x

Configuration at runtime

If module vl6180x_config is used, the following functions can be used to change the default sensor configuration at runtime.

Function Functionality
vl6180x_rng_config Changes the range measurement parameter configuration
vl6180x_als_config Changes the ALS measurement parameter configuration
vl6180x_int_config Changes the thresholds for event interrupts
Gunar Schorcht


file  vl6180x.h
file  vl6180x_params.h
 Default configuration for ST VL6180X Ranging and Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) module.
file  vl6180x_regs.h
 Register definitions for ST VL6180X Ranging and Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) module.

Data Structures

struct  vl6180x_int_config_t
 Interrupt config. More...
struct  vl6180x_int_thresh_t
 Interrupt threshold configuration. More...
struct  vl6180x_params_t
 VL6180X device configuration. More...
struct  vl6180x_t
 VL6180X sensor device data structure type. More...


#define VL6180X_I2C_ADDR   (0x29)
 VNCL6180 default I2C slave address.


enum  vl6180x_error_t {
  VL6180X_OK = 0 , VL6180X_ERROR_I2C = 1 , VL6180X_ERROR_WRONG_ID = 2 , VL6180X_ERROR_NO_PIN = 3 ,
  VL6180X_ERROR_NO_DATA = 4 , VL6180X_ERROR_RNG = 5 , VL6180X_ERROR_ALS = 6 , VL6180X_ERROR_NOT_READY = 7
 Error codes. More...
enum  vl6180x_als_gain_t {
  VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_20 = 0 , VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_10 = 1 , VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_5 = 2 , VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_2_5 = 3 ,
  VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_67 = 4 , VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1_25 = 5 , VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_1 = 6 , VL6180X_ALS_GAIN_40 = 7
 Analogue gain for ALS measurements. More...
enum  vl6180x_rng_status_t {
  VL6180X_RNG_OK = 0 , VL6180X_RNG_VCSEL_CONT_TEST = 1 , VL6180X_RNG_VCSEL_WD_TEST = 2 , VL6180X_RNG_VCSEL_WD = 3 ,
  VL6180X_RNG_PLL1_LOCK = 4 , VL6180X_RNG_PLL2_LOCK = 5 , VL6180X_RNG_EARLY_CONV_EST = 6 , VL6180X_RNG_MAX_CONV = 7 ,
 Range measurement status. More...
enum  vl6180x_als_status_t { VL6180X_ALS_OK = 0 , VL6180X_ALS_OVERFLOW = 1 , VL6180X_ALS_UNDERFLOW = 2 }
 Ambient light sensing (ALS) status. More...
enum  vl6180x_int_mode_t {
  VL6180X_INT_NONE = 0 , VL6180X_INT_LOW = 1 , VL6180X_INT_HIGH = 2 , VL6180X_INT_OUT = 3 ,
  VL6180X_INT_DRDY = 4
 Interrupt mode. More...


int vl6180x_init (vl6180x_t *dev, const vl6180x_params_t *params)
 Initialize the VL6180X sensor device.
int vl6180x_start_cont (vl6180x_t *dev)
 Start measurements in continuous mode.
int vl6180x_stop_cont (vl6180x_t *dev)
 Stop measurements in continuous mode.
int vl6180x_rng_data_ready (const vl6180x_t *dev)
 Range data ready status function.
int vl6180x_rng_read (vl6180x_t *dev, uint8_t *mm)
 Read one ranging data sample in mm.
vl6180x_rng_status_t vl6180x_rng_status (const vl6180x_t *dev)
 Get status of last range measurement.
int vl6180x_rng_start_single (const vl6180x_t *dev)
 Start a single-shot range measurement.
int vl6180x_rng_config (vl6180x_t *dev, uint8_t period, uint8_t max_time)
 Reconfigure range measurements at runtime.
int vl6180x_als_data_ready (const vl6180x_t *dev)
 ALS data ready status function.
int vl6180x_als_read (vl6180x_t *dev, uint16_t *raw, uint16_t *lux)
 Read one ambient light sensing (ALS) data sample.
vl6180x_als_status_t vl6180x_als_status (const vl6180x_t *dev)
 Get status of last ALS measurement.
int vl6180x_als_start_single (const vl6180x_t *dev)
 Start a single-shot ALS measurement.
int vl6180x_als_config (vl6180x_t *dev, uint8_t period, uint8_t int_time, vl6180x_als_gain_t gain)
 Reconfigure ambient light sensing (ALS) during runtime.
int vl6180x_power_down (const vl6180x_t *dev)
 Power down the sensor.
int vl6180x_power_up (vl6180x_t *dev)
 Power down the sensor.
int vl6180x_int_wait (const vl6180x_t *dev, vl6180x_int_config_t *src)
 Wait for configured interrupts and return the interrupt sources.
int vl6180x_int_enable (vl6180x_t *dev, vl6180x_int_config_t mode)
 Enable and disable interrupts.
int vl6180x_int_config (vl6180x_t *dev, vl6180x_int_thresh_t thresh)
 Configure thresholds for event interrupts at runtime.

Low level interface functions

int vl6180x_reg_write (const vl6180x_t *dev, uint16_t reg, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
 Direct write to register.
int vl6180x_reg_read (const vl6180x_t *dev, uint16_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len)
 Direct read from register.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ VL6180X_I2C_ADDR

#define VL6180X_I2C_ADDR   (0x29)

VNCL6180 default I2C slave address.

Definition at line 409 of file vl6180x.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ vl6180x_als_gain_t

Analogue gain for ALS measurements.


20 x gain (actual analogue gain of 20)


10 x gain (actual analogue gain of 10.32)


5 x gain (actual analogue gain of 5.21)


2.5 x gain (actual analogue gain of 2.6)


1.67 x gain (actual analogue gain of 1.72)


1.25 x gain (actual analogue gain of 1.28)


1 x gain (actual analogue gain of 1.01), default


40 x gain (actual analogue gain of 40)

Definition at line 428 of file vl6180x.h.

◆ vl6180x_als_status_t

Ambient light sensing (ALS) status.


No error.


ALS measurement overflow.


ALS measurement underflow.

Definition at line 462 of file vl6180x.h.

◆ vl6180x_error_t

Error codes.




I2C communication error.


Wrong id read.


Pin not defined.


No data available.


Ranging error.


Ambient light sensing (ALS) error.


Device not ready.

Definition at line 414 of file vl6180x.h.

◆ vl6180x_int_mode_t

Interrupt mode.

The interrupt mode defines the different sources that can trigger an interrupt on the GPIO1 pin of the sensor. The interrupt mode is defined for range and ALS measurements separately. Interrupts can be triggered either

  • in each measurement cycle when new data become available (data ready interrupts) or
  • only when values exceed a threshold configured (event interrupts).

For threshold interrupts, upper and lower thresholds have to be defined, with the upper and lower thresholds defining a threshold window, see also vl6180x_int_thresh_t.

Interrupts are only supported when module vl6180x_irq is used.
Only one of the interrupt modes must be enabled at the same time.

Interrupt is disabled.


Interrupt is triggered when values are below the lower threshold.


Interrupt is triggered when values are above the upper threshold.


Interrupt is triggered when values are below the lower threshold or above the upper threshold (value leave the threshold window)


Interrupt is triggered when new data are ready to be read.

Definition at line 485 of file vl6180x.h.

◆ vl6180x_rng_status_t

Range measurement status.


No error.


VCSEL continuity Test.


VCSEL watchdog test.


VCSEL watchdog.


PLL1 lock.


PLL2 lock.


Early convergence estimate.


Maximum convergence time reached.


No target, ignore.


Maximum SNR reached.


Raw ranging algorithm underflow.


Raw ranging algorithn overflow.


Ranging algorithm underflow.


Ranging algorithm overflow.

Definition at line 442 of file vl6180x.h.

Function Documentation

◆ vl6180x_als_config()

int vl6180x_als_config ( vl6180x_t * dev,
uint8_t period,
uint8_t int_time,
vl6180x_als_gain_t gain )

Reconfigure ambient light sensing (ALS) during runtime.

This function can be used to overwrite the default configuration of ambient light sensing defined by vl6180x_params_t during runtime.

For this purpose, the running ambient light sensing (ALS) is stopped and restarted after the reconfiguration if continuous mode is used (period is not 0).

  • This function is only available when modules vl6180x_als and vl6180x_config are used.
  • Since parameter period is used for continuous mode, in which measurements are performed in interleaved mode, setting the period with this function also affects the range measurements in continuous mode.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[in]periodPeriod in continuous measurement mode in steps of 10 ms. It controls also the measurement mode enabled after the initialization. If 0, single-shot mode is enabled, otherwise the continuous mode is enabled and measurement are started automatically.
[in]int_timeALS integration time in ms [0...511]
[in]gainALS analogue gain for light channel
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_als_data_ready()

int vl6180x_als_data_ready ( const vl6180x_t * dev)

ALS data ready status function.

This function is only available when module vl6180x_als is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
VL6180X_OKnew ALS data are ready
VL6180X_ERROR_NO_DATAno new ALS data available
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on any other error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_als_read()

int vl6180x_als_read ( vl6180x_t * dev,
uint16_t * raw,
uint16_t * lux )

Read one ambient light sensing (ALS) data sample.

This function returns one ALS data sample as raw count value and, if required, as illuminance in Lux. The range of the count value depends on

The count value is returned in parameter raw while the illuminance is returned in parameter lux. For either raw or lux also NULL can be passed, if only one value is of interest.

If ALS value is invalid because of a measurement error, VL6180X_ERROR_ALS is returned. The vl6180x_als_status function can then be used to get an error code of type vl6180x_als_status_t.

  • This function is only available when module vl6180x_als is used.
  • The function clears the interrupt if ambient light sensing interrupts are used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[out]rawAmbient light raw data as count value
[out]luxAmbient light in Lux
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_als_start_single()

int vl6180x_als_start_single ( const vl6180x_t * dev)

Start a single-shot ALS measurement.

Measurements must not be started in continuous mode when called.
This function is only available when module vl6180x_als is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_als_status()

vl6180x_als_status_t vl6180x_als_status ( const vl6180x_t * dev)

Get status of last ALS measurement.

This function is only available when module vl6180x_als is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
statusof type vl6180x_als_status_t

◆ vl6180x_init()

int vl6180x_init ( vl6180x_t * dev,
const vl6180x_params_t * params )

Initialize the VL6180X sensor device.

After initialization, the sensor is configured according to the standard configuration parameters and is fully functional.

If the configured measurement period is 0, the single-shot mode is enabled for both the range and ALS measurements. The functions vl6180x_rng_start_single and vl6180x_als_start_single must then be used to start a single measurement. Otherwise, the continuous mode is activated for both measurements, which are started immediately after sensor initialization with the configured measurement period.

[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor to be initialized
[in]paramsConfiguration parameters, see vl6180x_params_t
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_int_config()

int vl6180x_int_config ( vl6180x_t * dev,
vl6180x_int_thresh_t thresh )

Configure thresholds for event interrupts at runtime.

This function is only available when modules vl6180x_irq and vl6180x_config are used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[in]threshThreshold configuration for event interrupts, see vl6180x_int_thresh_t
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_int_enable()

int vl6180x_int_enable ( vl6180x_t * dev,
vl6180x_int_config_t mode )

Enable and disable interrupts.

Configured interrupts can be enabled or disabled with this function.

[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[in]modeInterrupts to be enabled, must be only one for each measurement type (range and ALS)
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_int_wait()

int vl6180x_int_wait ( const vl6180x_t * dev,
vl6180x_int_config_t * src )

Wait for configured interrupts and return the interrupt sources.

To avoid I2C bus access in interrupt context, the driver prevents the direct use of interrupts and application specific ISRs. Rather, this function has to be used to wait for an interrupt. It enables the interrupt signal for the configured MCU GPIO and then blocks the calling thread until an interrupt is triggered.

Once an interrupt is triggered, the driver handles the interrupt with an internal ISR and then returns. When the function returns, the data structure of type vl6180x_int_config_t to which the src parameter points contains the source of the triggered interrupt. It contains a flag for each possible interrupt source which can be tested for true.

This function is only available when module vl6180x_irq is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[out]srcInterrupt sources, see vl6180x_int_config_t
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_power_down()

int vl6180x_power_down ( const vl6180x_t * dev)

Power down the sensor.

This function requires that a GPIO connected to sensor's GPIO0/CE pin is defined by parameter vl6180x_params_t::pin_shutdown.
This function is only available if the vl6180x_shutdown module is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_power_up()

int vl6180x_power_up ( vl6180x_t * dev)

Power down the sensor.

This function requires that a GPIO connected to sensor's GPIO0/CE pin is defined by parameter vl6180x_params_t::pin_shutdown.
This function is only available if the vl6180x_shutdown module is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_reg_read()

int vl6180x_reg_read ( const vl6180x_t * dev,
uint16_t reg,
uint8_t * data,
uint8_t len )

Direct read from register.

This function should only be used to do something special that is not covered by the high level interface AND if you exactly know what you do and what effects it might have. Please be aware that it might affect the high level interface.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[in]regaddress of the first register to be read
[out]datapointer to the data to be read from the register
[in]lennumber of bytes to be read from the register
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_reg_write()

int vl6180x_reg_write ( const vl6180x_t * dev,
uint16_t reg,
const uint8_t * data,
uint8_t len )

Direct write to register.

This function should only be used to do something special that is not covered by the high level interface AND if you exactly know what you do and what effects it might have. Please be aware that it might affect the high level interface.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[in]regAddress of the first register to be changed
[in]dataPointer to the data to be written to the register
[in]lenNumber of bytes to be written to the register
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_rng_config()

int vl6180x_rng_config ( vl6180x_t * dev,
uint8_t period,
uint8_t max_time )

Reconfigure range measurements at runtime.

This function can be used to overwrite the default configuration of range measurements defined by vl6180x_params_t at runtime.

For this purpose, the running range measurement is stopped and restarted after the reconfiguration if continuous mode is used (period is not 0).

  • This function is only available when modules vl6180x_rng and vl6180x_config are used.
  • Since parameter period is used for continuous mode, in which measurements are performed in interleaved mode, setting the period with this function also affects the ALS measurements in continuous mode.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[in]periodPeriod in continuous measurement mode in steps of 10 ms. It controls also the measurement mode enabled after the initialization. If 0, single-shot mode is enabled, otherwise the continuous mode is enabled and measurement are started automatically.
[in]max_timeMaximum convergence time in ms [1...63] given to the sensor to perform range measurements
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_rng_data_ready()

int vl6180x_rng_data_ready ( const vl6180x_t * dev)

Range data ready status function.

The function can be used for polling to know when new ranging data are ready.

This function is only available when module vl6180x_rng is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
VL6180X_OKnew ranging data are ready
VL6180X_ERROR_NO_DATAno new ranging data available
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on any other error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_rng_read()

int vl6180x_rng_read ( vl6180x_t * dev,
uint8_t * mm )

Read one ranging data sample in mm.

This function returns the ranging data in millimeters. If ranging value is invalid because of a measurement error, VL6180X_ERROR_RNG is returned. The vl6180x_rng_status function can then be used to get an error code of type vl6180x_rng_status_t.

  • This function is only available when module vl6180x_rng is used.
  • The function clears the interrupt if ambient light sensing interrupts are used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
[out]mmRanging data in mm [0...100]
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_RNGon error during range measurement
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on any other error see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_rng_start_single()

int vl6180x_rng_start_single ( const vl6180x_t * dev)

Start a single-shot range measurement.

Measurements must not be started in continuous mode when called.
This function is only available when module vl6180x_rng is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_rng_status()

vl6180x_rng_status_t vl6180x_rng_status ( const vl6180x_t * dev)

Get status of last range measurement.

This function is only available when module vl6180x_rng is used.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor
Return values
statusof type vl6180x_rng_status_t

◆ vl6180x_start_cont()

int vl6180x_start_cont ( vl6180x_t * dev)

Start measurements in continuous mode.

Range and/or ALS measurements are started in continuous mode with same measurement period as defined in configuration parameter vl6180x_params_t::period.

Continuous mode cannot be started separately for range and ALS measurements.
  • Measurement period vl6180x_params_t::period must not be zero.
  • Measurements must not yet be started in continuous mode when called.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor to be initialized
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t

◆ vl6180x_stop_cont()

int vl6180x_stop_cont ( vl6180x_t * dev)

Stop measurements in continuous mode.

Continuous range and ALS measurements are stopped. Once continuous measurements are stopped, vl6180x_rng_start_single or vl6180x_als_start_single can be used to start single-shot measurements separately.

  • Measurement period vl6180x_params_t::period must not be zero.
  • Measurements must be started in continuous mode when called.
[in]devDevice descriptor of VL6180X sensor to be initialized
Return values
VL6180X_OKon success
VL6180X_ERROR_*a negative error code on error, see vl6180x_error_t