
Function ztimer_periodic_init

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ztimer_periodic_init(
    clock: *mut ztimer_clock_t,
    timer: *mut ztimer_periodic_t,
    callback: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(arg1: *mut c_void) -> bool>,
    arg: *mut c_void,
    interval: u32,
Expand description

@brief Initialize a periodic timer structure

This sets up the underlying structure of a periodic timer. After initializing, use @ref ztimer_periodic_start() to start the timer.

@param[in] clock the clock to configure this timer on @param[inout] timer periodic timer object to initialize @param[in] callback function to call on each trigger returns true if the timer should keep going @param[in] arg argument to pass to callback function @param[in] interval period length of this timer instance