pub unsafe extern "C" fn sock_tcp_connect(
sock: *mut sock_tcp_t,
remote: *const sock_tcp_ep_t,
local_port: u16,
flags: u16,
) -> c_int
Expand description
@brief Establishes a new TCP sock connection
@pre sock != NULL
@pre (remote != NULL) && (remote->port != 0)
@param[out] sock The resulting sock object.
@param[in] remote Remote end point for the sock object.
@param[in] local_port Local port for the connection. May be 0. *
If local_port == 0
the connection is bound to a
random port.
@param[in] flags Flags for the sock object. See also
@ref net_sock_flags. May be 0.
@return 0 on success.
@return -EADDRINUSE, if (flags & SOCK_FLAGS_REUSE_EP) == 0
@p local_port is already used elsewhere
@return -EAFNOSUPPORT, if sock_tcp_ep_t::family of @p remote is not
@return -ECONNREFUSED, if no-one is listening on the @p remote end point.
@return -EINVAL, if sock_tcp_ep_t::addr of @p remote is an invalid address.
@return -EINVAL, if sock_tcp_ep_t::netif of @p remote is not a valid
@return -ENETUNREACH, if network defined by @p remote is not reachable.
@return -ENOMEM, if system was not able to allocate sufficient memory to
establish connection.
@return -EPERM, if connections to @p remote are not permitted on the system
(e.g. by firewall rules).
@return -ETIMEDOUT, if the connection attempt to @p remote timed out.