pub unsafe extern "C" fn gcoap_get_resource_by_path_iterator(
last_listener: *mut *const gcoap_listener_t,
last_resource: *const coap_resource_t,
uri_path: *const c_char,
) -> *const coap_resource_t
Expand description
@brief Iterate through all registered listeners and check for a resource, matching by @p uri_path
This functions returns resources matching a subpath @see COAP_MATCH_SUBTREE.
If an exact match is required, check with strncmp()
@param[in, out] last_listener A pointer to NULL for the first call, otherwise the last returned listener @param[in] last_resource NULL for the first call, otherwise the last returned resource @param[in] uri_path The URI path to search for
@return The resource that matches the URI path