
Function ble_gap_read_le_phy

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ble_gap_read_le_phy(
    conn_handle: u16,
    tx_phy: *mut u8,
    rx_phy: *mut u8,
) -> c_int
Expand description

Read PHYs used for specified connection.

On success output parameters are filled with information about used PHY type.

@param conn_handle Connection handle @param tx_phy TX PHY used. Can be one of following constants: - BLE_GAP_LE_PHY_1M - BLE_GAP_LE_PHY_2M - BLE_GAP_LE_PHY_CODED @param rx_phy RX PHY used. Can be one of following constants: - BLE_GAP_LE_PHY_1M - BLE_GAP_LE_PHY_2M - BLE_GAP_LE_PHY_CODED

@return 0 on success; nonzero on failure.