
Function ble_hs_mbuf_to_flat

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ble_hs_mbuf_to_flat(
    om: *const os_mbuf,
    flat: *mut c_void,
    max_len: u16,
    out_copy_len: *mut u16,
) -> c_int
Expand description

Copies the contents of an mbuf into the specified flat buffer. If the flat buffer is too small to contain the mbuf’s contents, it is filled to capacity and BLE_HS_EMSGSIZE is returned.

@param om The mbuf to copy from. @param flat The destination flat buffer. @param max_len The size of the flat buffer. @param out_copy_len The number of bytes actually copied gets written here.

@return 0 on success or BLE host core return code on error.