
Function timer_set_periodic

pub unsafe extern "C" fn timer_set_periodic(
    dev: tim_t,
    channel: c_int,
    value: c_uint,
    flags: u8,
) -> c_int
Expand description

@brief Set an absolute timeout value for the given channel of the given timer. The timeout will be called periodically for each iteration.

@note Only one channel with TIM_FLAG_RESET_ON_MATCH can be active. Some platforms (Atmel) only allow to use the first channel as TOP value.

@note Needs to be enabled with FEATURES_REQUIRED += periph_timer_periodic.

@param[in] dev the timer device to set @param[in] channel the channel to set @param[in] value the absolute compare value when the callback will be triggered @param[in] flags options

@return 0 on success @return -1 on error