pub unsafe extern "C" fn sock_udp_recv_aux(
sock: *mut sock_udp_t,
data: *mut c_void,
max_len: size_t,
timeout: u32,
remote: *mut sock_udp_ep_t,
aux: *mut sock_udp_aux_rx_t,
) -> ssize_t
Expand description
@brief Receives a UDP message from a remote end point
@pre (sock != NULL) && (data != NULL) && (max_len > 0)
@param[in] sock A UDP sock object.
@param[out] data Pointer where the received data should be stored.
@param[in] max_len Maximum space available at @p data.
@param[in] timeout Timeout for receive in microseconds.
If 0 and no data is available, the function returns
May be @ref SOCK_NO_TIMEOUT for no timeout (wait until
data is available).
@param[out] remote Remote end point of the received data.
May be NULL
, if it is not required by the application.
@param[out] aux Auxiliary data about the received datagram.
May be NULL
, if it is not required by the application.
@note Function blocks if no packet is currently waiting.
@return The number of bytes received on success.
@return 0, if no received data is available, but everything is in order.
@return -EADDRNOTAVAIL, if local of @p sock is not given.
@return -EAGAIN, if @p timeout is 0
and no data is available.
@return -EINVAL, if @p remote is invalid or @p sock is not properly
initialized (or closed while sock_udp_recv() blocks).
@return -ENOBUFS, if buffer space is not large enough to store received
@return -ENOMEM, if no memory was available to receive @p data.
@return -EPROTO, if source address of received packet did not equal
the remote of @p sock.
@return -ETIMEDOUT, if @p timeout expired.