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A global network packet buffer. More...

Detailed Description

A global network packet buffer.

WARNING!! Do not store data structures that are not packed (defined with __attribute__((packed))) or enforce alignment in in any way in here if CONFIG_GNRC_PKTBUF_SIZE > 0. On some RISC architectures this will lead to alignment problems and can potentially result in segmentation/hard faults and other unexpected behaviour.


 GNRC PKTBUF compile configurations
 Network packet abstraction type and helper functions


file  pktbuf.h
 Interface definition for the global network buffer.
file  pktbuf_internal.h
 Internal stuff for gnrc_pktbuf.
file  pktbuf_static.h
 Internal definitions of the static implementation of Packet buffer.


 Enable use-after-free/out of bounds write detection in gnrc_pktbuf.
#define GNRC_PKTBUF_CANARY   (0x55)
 Canary value for free pktbuf memory when.


void gnrc_pktbuf_init (void)
 Initializes packet buffer module.
gnrc_pktsnip_tgnrc_pktbuf_add (gnrc_pktsnip_t *next, const void *data, size_t size, gnrc_nettype_t type)
 Adds a new gnrc_pktsnip_t and its packet to the packet buffer.
gnrc_pktsnip_tgnrc_pktbuf_mark (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, size_t size, gnrc_nettype_t type)
 Marks the first size bytes in a received packet with a new packet snip that is appended to the packet.
int gnrc_pktbuf_realloc_data (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, size_t size)
 Reallocates gnrc_pktsnip_t::data of pkt in the packet buffer, without changing the content.
void gnrc_pktbuf_hold (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, unsigned int num)
 Increases gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt atomically.
void gnrc_pktbuf_release_error (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, uint32_t err)
 Decreases gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt atomically and removes it if it reaches 0 and reports a possible error through an error code, if Error reporting is included.
static void gnrc_pktbuf_release (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt)
 Decreases gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt atomically and removes it if it reaches 0 and reports GNRC_NETERR_SUCCESS.
gnrc_pktsnip_tgnrc_pktbuf_start_write (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt)
 Must be called once before there is a write operation on a packet snip in a thread.
gnrc_pktsnip_tgnrc_pktbuf_remove_snip (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, gnrc_pktsnip_t *snip)
 Deletes a snip from a packet and the packet buffer.
gnrc_pktsnip_tgnrc_pktbuf_reverse_snips (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt)
 Reverses snip order of a packet in a write-protected manner.
int gnrc_pktbuf_merge (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt)
 Merge pktsnip chain to single pktsnip.
void gnrc_pktbuf_stats (void)
 Prints some statistics about the packet buffer to stdout.
bool gnrc_pktbuf_is_empty (void)
 Checks if packet buffer is empty.
bool gnrc_pktbuf_is_sane (void)
 Checks if the implementation's internal invariants still uphold.

Macro Definition Documentation



Enable use-after-free/out of bounds write detection in gnrc_pktbuf.

Definition at line 72 of file pktbuf.h.


#define GNRC_PKTBUF_CANARY   (0x55)

Canary value for free pktbuf memory when.

See also

Unallocated pktbuf memory is filled with this value and overwritten with ~GNRC_PKTBUF_CANARY when handed out. This way we can try to detect when unallocated memory was used.

Definition at line 83 of file pktbuf.h.

Function Documentation

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_add()

gnrc_pktsnip_t * gnrc_pktbuf_add ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * next,
const void * data,
size_t size,
gnrc_nettype_t type )

Adds a new gnrc_pktsnip_t and its packet to the packet buffer.

Do not change the fields of the gnrc_pktsnip_t created by this function externally. This will most likely create memory leaks or not allowed memory access.
[in]nextNext gnrc_pktsnip_t in the packet. Leave NULL if you want to create a new packet.
[in]dataData of the new gnrc_pktsnip_t. If data is NULL no data will be inserted into result.
[in]sizeLength of data. If this value is 0 the gnrc_pktsnip::data field of the newly created snip will be NULL.
[in]typeProtocol type of the gnrc_pktsnip_t.
Pointer to the packet part that represents the new gnrc_pktsnip_t.
NULL, if no space is left in the packet buffer.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_hold()

void gnrc_pktbuf_hold ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt,
unsigned int num )

Increases gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt atomically.

[in]pktA packet.
[in]numNumber you want to increment gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt by.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_is_empty()

bool gnrc_pktbuf_is_empty ( void )

Checks if packet buffer is empty.

true, if packet buffer is empty
false, if packet buffer is not empty

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_is_sane()

bool gnrc_pktbuf_is_sane ( void )

Checks if the implementation's internal invariants still uphold.

true, the packet buffer is sane.
false, the packet buffer is insane.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_mark()

gnrc_pktsnip_t * gnrc_pktbuf_mark ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt,
size_t size,
gnrc_nettype_t type )

Marks the first size bytes in a received packet with a new packet snip that is appended to the packet.

Graphically this can be represented as follows:

Before After
====== =====
pkt->data result->data <== pkt->data
v v v
+--------------------------------+ +----------------+---------------+
+--------------------------------+ +----------------+---------------+
\__________pkt->size___________/ \_result->size_/ \__pkt->size__/

If size == pkt->size then the resulting snip will point to NULL in its gnrc_pktsnip_t::data field and its gnrc_pktsnip_t::size field will be 0.

pkt != NULL && size != 0
[in]pktA received packet.
[in]sizeThe size of the new packet snip.
[in]typeThe type of the new packet snip.
It's not guaranteed that result->data points to the same address as the original pkt->data.
The new packet snip in pkt on success.
NULL, if pkt == NULL or size == 0 or size > pkt->size or pkt->data == NULL.
NULL, if no space is left in the packet buffer.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_merge()

int gnrc_pktbuf_merge ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt)

Merge pktsnip chain to single pktsnip.

Specifically it calls gnrc_pktbuf_realloc_data() on pkt, then copies the data of all following packet snips into that reallocated space, and removes the packet snip the data was copied from afterwards.



+---------------------------+                      +------+
| size = 8                  | data       +-------->|      |
| type = NETTYPE_IPV6       |------------+         +------+
+---------------------------+                      .      .
      | next                                       .      .
      v                                            .      .
+---------------------------+                      +------+
| size = 40                 | data    +----------->|      |
| type = NETTYPE_UDP        |---------+            +------+
+---------------------------+                      .      .
      | next                                       .      .
+---------------------------+                      +------+
| size = 14                 | data +-------------->|      |
| type = NETTYPE_UNDEF      |------+               +------+
+---------------------------+                      .      .


+---------------------------+                      +------+
| size = 62                 | data       +-------->|      |
| type = NETTYPE_IPV6       |------------+         |      |
+---------------------------+                      |      |
                                                   |      |
                                                   |      |
                                                   |      |
                                                            .      .
pkt needs to write protected before calling this function.
Packets in receive order need to call gnrc_pktbuf_reverse_snips() first to get the data in the correct order.
[in,out]pktThe snip to merge.
0, on success
ENOMEM, if no space is left in the packet buffer.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_realloc_data()

int gnrc_pktbuf_realloc_data ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt,
size_t size )

Reallocates gnrc_pktsnip_t::data of pkt in the packet buffer, without changing the content.

pkt != NULL
(pkt->size > 0) <=> (pkt->data != NULL)
gnrc_pktsnip_t::data of pkt is in the packet buffer if it is not NULL.

If enough memory is available behind it or size is smaller than the original size of the packet then gnrc_pktsnip_t::data of pkt will not be moved. Otherwise, it will be moved. If no space is available nothing happens.

[in]pktA packet part.
[in]sizeThe size for pkt.
0, on success
ENOMEM, if no space is left in the packet buffer.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_release()

static void gnrc_pktbuf_release ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt)

Decreases gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt atomically and removes it if it reaches 0 and reports GNRC_NETERR_SUCCESS.

[in]pktA packet.

Definition at line 196 of file pktbuf.h.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_release_error()

void gnrc_pktbuf_release_error ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt,
uint32_t err )

Decreases gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt atomically and removes it if it reaches 0 and reports a possible error through an error code, if Error reporting is included.

All snips of pkt must be in the packet buffer.
[in]pktA packet.
[in]errAn error code.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_remove_snip()

gnrc_pktsnip_t * gnrc_pktbuf_remove_snip ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt,
gnrc_pktsnip_t * snip )

Deletes a snip from a packet and the packet buffer.

[in]pktA packet.
[in]snipA snip in the packet.
The new reference to pkt.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_reverse_snips()

gnrc_pktsnip_t * gnrc_pktbuf_reverse_snips ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt)

Reverses snip order of a packet in a write-protected manner.

This can be used to change the send/receive order of a packet (see gnrc_pktsnip_t)

pkt is released on failure.
[in]pktA packet. When this function fails (due to a full packet packet buffer) pkt will be released.
The reversed version of pkt on success
NULL, when there is not enough space in the packet buffer to reverse the packet in a write-protected manner. pkt is released in that case.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_start_write()

gnrc_pktsnip_t * gnrc_pktbuf_start_write ( gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt)

Must be called once before there is a write operation on a packet snip in a thread.

This function duplicates a packet snip in the packet buffer (both the instance of the gnrc_pktsnip_t and its data) if gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt > 1.

[in]pktThe packet snip you want to write into.
The (new) pointer to the packet snip.
NULL, if gnrc_pktsnip_t::users of pkt > 1 and if there is not enough space in the packet buffer.

◆ gnrc_pktbuf_stats()

void gnrc_pktbuf_stats ( void )

Prints some statistics about the packet buffer to stdout.

Only available with DEVELHELP defined.

Statistics include maximum number of reserved bytes.