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FIDO2 - Fast Identity Online 2

Description of the FIDO2 CTAP implementation in RIOT. More...

Detailed Description

Description of the FIDO2 CTAP implementation in RIOT.

Nils Ollrogge nils..nosp@m.ollr.nosp@m.ogge@.nosp@m.fu-b.nosp@m.erlin.nosp@m..de
This feature is experimental! This API is experimental and in an early state - expect changes.
The FIDO2 implementation currently stores private keys in plain text inside flash memory.
This implementation persists FIDO CTAP data across reboots and when unpowered; any firmware update loses the data because it will be overwritten. This applies both to firmware updates through bootloaders and to firmware updates through external programmers.

FIDO2 is an authentication standard that seeks to solve the password problem by enabling passwordless authentication. Instead of using passwords to authenticate to web services, FIDO2 enables users to use common devices (authenticators) to create cryptographic credentials which are then used for authentication. FIDO2 consists of the W3C Web Authentication specification (WebAuthn) and the Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP).

This code implements the FIDO2 CTAP protocol.


Following is an overview of the entities of this implementation and their relationships:

                +-----------+  +-----------+   +-----------+   +-----------+
                |           |  |           |   |           |   |           |
                | ctap_cbor |  |ctap_crypto|   | ctap_mem  |   |ctap_utils |
                |           |  |           |   |           |   |           |
                +-----------+  +-----------+   +-----------+   +-----|-----+
                      |             |               |                |
                      |             |               |                |
                      |         +---------------------------+        |
                      |         |                           |        |
                      |---------|           ctap            |--------|
                                |                           |
                                |                           |
                                |       ctap_transport      |
                                |                           |
                                |           |
                                | ctap_hid  |
                                |           |


USB Human Interface Device (USB HID) transport binding for CTAP (CTAPHID).

Initializes the USBUS HID interface.

Communicates with the USBUS USB HID interface through the USBUS HID IO interface.


Initializes CTAP layer.

Initializes CTAP event queue.

Manages CTAP transport bindings (currently only CTAPHID).


Contains the main CTAP logic.

Makes use of helpers for flash access, cryptographic operations and CBOR operations.


Helper containing functionality to parse and encode CBOR messages. Uses the tinyCBOR pkg.


Helper containing functionality for cryptographic operations.

Abstraction for cryptographic operations (SHA256, HMAC-SHA-256, AES CCM).

This abstraction exposes error return values which are currently not implemented in all cases by the RIOT crypto API.

Abstraction for Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) operations. Uses the micro-ecc pkg.

Parsing of cryptographic signatures into ASN.1 DER format. Uses the tiny-asn1 pkg.


Abstraction for flash operations. Uses the RIOT Flashpage MTD driver.

Flash memory is reserved at build time using the FLASH_WRITABLE_INIT macro. The amount of flashpages reserved can be configured as FIDO2_CTAP_NUM_FLASHPAGES in KConfig. The implementation needs at least 1 flashpage to store state information and 1 flashpage to store credentials also called resident keys (rks). Therefore, the minimum amount of flashpages needed is 2. State information is stored on the first flashpage, credentials (rks) on the following flashpages.

Adds additional functionality to speedup flash accesses (e.g. by checking if a flash page is erased to avoid unnecessary erasures of flash pages).


Abstraction for GPIO functionality and LED animations.

Implemented features

FIDO2 CTAP methods

All methods defined in the FIDO2 CTAP specification are implemented. Specifically these are:

For information about the FIDO2 CTAP methods refer to the CTAP specification.

Transport bindings

The USB Human Interface Device (USB HID) transport binding is fully implemented.

For more information about the available transport bindings refer to the CTAP specification.


Both types of credentials are supported. Resident and non resident.

For more information about the two types of credential refer to the WebAuthn specification

Attestation types

Currently only self attestation is supported.

For more information about available attestation types refer to the WebAuthn specification.

Unimplemented features

Backward compatibility with FIDO1

For more information about the backward compatibility of FIDO2 to FIDO1 refer to the CTAP specification.

Support of further attestation types

Specifically these are:

For more information about available attestation types refer to the WebAuthn specification.

Support of further transport bindings

Specifically these are:

For information about the available transport bindings refer to the CTAP specification.


For information about CTAP extensions refer to the CTAP specification

CTAP 2.1 support

None of the additions from the CTAP 2.1 specification are implemented.


Testing is done with the help of the fido2-tests package based on the solokeys fido2-tests.

For for more information about testing the FIDO2 CTAP implementation refer to the README of the test application (/tests/sys/fido2_ctap).



There are two CFLAGS which can be used to change the behavior of the FIDO2 CTAP implementation:

The CFLAGS can either be set in the Makefile or configured via KConfig.

Future work

Future improvements / extensions to the FIDO2 CTAP implementation that should be implemented are:
