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MMA7660 Accelerometer

Driver for the Freescale MMA7660 3-Axis accelerometer. More...

Detailed Description

Driver for the Freescale MMA7660 3-Axis accelerometer.

This driver only implements basic functionality.


file  mma7660.h
 Interface definition for the MMA7660 accelerometer driver.
file  mma7660_params.h
 Default configuration for MMA7660 accelerometer.
file  mma7660_reg.h
 Register definition for the MMA7660 accelerometer driver.

Data Structures

struct  mma7660_params_t
 Parameters for an MMA7660 device. More...
struct  mma7660_t
 Device descriptor for an MMA7660 device. More...
struct  mma7660_data_t
 Data type for the result data. More...


enum  {
  MMA7660_OK , MMA7660_I2C_ERR , MMA7660_I2C_READ_ERR , MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR ,
 Return codes. More...


int mma7660_init (mma7660_t *dev, const mma7660_params_t *params)
 Initialize an MMA7660 device.
int mma7660_set_mode (const mma7660_t *dev, uint8_t active, uint8_t autowake, uint8_t autosleep, uint8_t prescale)
 Set the mode register.
int mma7660_read_tilt (const mma7660_t *dev, uint8_t *res)
 Read the tilt register.
int mma7660_write_sleep_count (const mma7660_t *dev, uint8_t sleep)
 Write the sleep count register.
int mma7660_config_interrupts (const mma7660_t *dev, uint8_t isource_flags)
 Configure the interrupt sources.
int mma7660_config_samplerate (const mma7660_t *dev, uint8_t amsr, uint8_t awsr, uint8_t filt)
 Configure the sample rate.
int mma7660_config_pdet (const mma7660_t *dev, uint8_t pdth, uint8_t enabled_axes)
 Configure the tap detection.
int mma7660_config_pd (const mma7660_t *dev, uint8_t pd)
 Configure the tap detection debounce count.
int mma7660_read (const mma7660_t *dev, mma7660_data_t *data)
 Read the acceleration counts converted to mG.
int mma7660_read_counts (const mma7660_t *dev, int8_t *x, int8_t *y, int8_t *z)
 Read the acceleration counts (unconverted)

MMA7660 constants

#define MODE_ACTIVE_SHIFT   (0U)
#define MODE_INTERRUPT_DEFAULT   (0x40) /* Active low, push-pull */
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_NONE   (0x00)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_FB   (0x01)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_UDLR   (0x02)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_TAP   (0x04)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_AUTOSLEEP   (0x08)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_MEASURE   (0x10)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_SHX   (0x20)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_SHY   (0x40)
#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_SHZ   (0x80)
#define MMA7660_SR_AMPD   (0x00)
#define MMA7660_SR_AM64   (0x01)
#define MMA7660_SR_AM32   (0x02)
#define MMA7660_SR_AM16   (0x03)
#define MMA7660_SR_AM8   (0x04)
#define MMA7660_SR_AM4   (0x05)
#define MMA7660_SR_AM2   (0x06)
#define MMA7660_SR_AM1   (0x07)
#define MMA7660_SR_AW32   (0x00)
#define MMA7660_SR_AW16   (0x08)
#define MMA7660_SR_AW8   (0x10)
#define MMA7660_SR_AW1   (0x18)
#define MMA7660_PDET_X   (0x20)
#define MMA7660_PDET_Y   (0x40)
#define MMA7660_PDET_Z   (0x80)
#define MMA7660_ADDR   (0x4C)
#define MMA7660_MG_PER_COUNT   (47U)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ MMA7660_ADDR

#define MMA7660_ADDR   (0x4C)

Definition at line 111 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_AUTOSLEEP   (0x08)

Definition at line 89 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_FB   (0x01)

Definition at line 86 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_MEASURE   (0x10)

Definition at line 90 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_NONE   (0x00)

Definition at line 85 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_SHX   (0x20)

Definition at line 91 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_SHY   (0x40)

Definition at line 92 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_SHZ   (0x80)

Definition at line 93 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_TAP   (0x04)

Definition at line 88 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_INTSOURCE_UDLR   (0x02)

Definition at line 87 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_MG_PER_COUNT   (47U)

Definition at line 116 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_PDET_X

#define MMA7660_PDET_X   (0x20)

Definition at line 107 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_PDET_Y

#define MMA7660_PDET_Y   (0x40)

Definition at line 108 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_PDET_Z

#define MMA7660_PDET_Z   (0x80)

Definition at line 109 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AM1

#define MMA7660_SR_AM1   (0x07)

Definition at line 102 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AM16

#define MMA7660_SR_AM16   (0x03)

Definition at line 98 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AM2

#define MMA7660_SR_AM2   (0x06)

Definition at line 101 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AM32

#define MMA7660_SR_AM32   (0x02)

Definition at line 97 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AM4

#define MMA7660_SR_AM4   (0x05)

Definition at line 100 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AM64

#define MMA7660_SR_AM64   (0x01)

Definition at line 96 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AM8

#define MMA7660_SR_AM8   (0x04)

Definition at line 99 of file mma7660.h.


#define MMA7660_SR_AMPD   (0x00)

Definition at line 95 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AW1

#define MMA7660_SR_AW1   (0x18)

Definition at line 106 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AW16

#define MMA7660_SR_AW16   (0x08)

Definition at line 104 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AW32

#define MMA7660_SR_AW32   (0x00)

Definition at line 103 of file mma7660.h.

◆ MMA7660_SR_AW8

#define MMA7660_SR_AW8   (0x10)

Definition at line 105 of file mma7660.h.


#define MODE_ACTIVE_SHIFT   (0U)

Definition at line 79 of file mma7660.h.



Definition at line 81 of file mma7660.h.



Definition at line 80 of file mma7660.h.


#define MODE_INTERRUPT_DEFAULT   (0x40) /* Active low, push-pull */

Definition at line 83 of file mma7660.h.



Definition at line 82 of file mma7660.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Return codes.


all ok


i2c bus initialization error


i2c bus cannot be read


i2c bus cannot be written


error when reading counts

Definition at line 38 of file mma7660.h.

Function Documentation

◆ mma7660_config_interrupts()

int mma7660_config_interrupts ( const mma7660_t * dev,
uint8_t isource_flags )

Configure the interrupt sources.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[in]isource_flagsinterrupt source flags
MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR on i2c bus write error

◆ mma7660_config_pd()

int mma7660_config_pd ( const mma7660_t * dev,
uint8_t pd )

Configure the tap detection debounce count.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[in]pdpulse debounce

See page 21 of for details about the debouncer

MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR on i2c bus write error

◆ mma7660_config_pdet()

int mma7660_config_pdet ( const mma7660_t * dev,
uint8_t pdth,
uint8_t enabled_axes )

Configure the tap detection.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[in]pdthpulse detection
[in]enabled_axesenabled axes

See page 21 of for details about the parameters

MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR on i2c bus write error

◆ mma7660_config_samplerate()

int mma7660_config_samplerate ( const mma7660_t * dev,
uint8_t amsr,
uint8_t awsr,
uint8_t filt )

Configure the sample rate.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[in]amsractive mode sample rate (pg 18 of DS)
[in]awsrauto wake sample rate (pg 19 of DS)
[in]filtfilter samples (pg 19 of DS)

See datasheet for details about the parameters

MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR on i2c bus write error

◆ mma7660_init()

int mma7660_init ( mma7660_t * dev,
const mma7660_params_t * params )

Initialize an MMA7660 device.

[out]devdevice descriptor
[in]paramsdevice configuration parameters
MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_ERR on i2c bus initialization error
-MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR on i2c bus write error

◆ mma7660_read()

int mma7660_read ( const mma7660_t * dev,
mma7660_data_t * data )

Read the acceleration counts converted to mG.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[out]datathe acceleration data
MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_READ_ERR on i2c bus read error

◆ mma7660_read_counts()

int mma7660_read_counts ( const mma7660_t * dev,
int8_t * x,
int8_t * y,
int8_t * z )

Read the acceleration counts (unconverted)

[in]devdevice descriptor
[out]xthe X axis value
[out]ythe Y axis value
[out]zthe Z axis value

See page 28 of for conversion of acceleration counts to angles or G forces.

MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_READ_ERR on i2c bus read error
-MMA7660_READ_ERR on general read error

◆ mma7660_read_tilt()

int mma7660_read_tilt ( const mma7660_t * dev,
uint8_t * res )

Read the tilt register.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[out]restilt register contents
MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_READ_ERR on i2c bus read error

◆ mma7660_set_mode()

int mma7660_set_mode ( const mma7660_t * dev,
uint8_t active,
uint8_t autowake,
uint8_t autosleep,
uint8_t prescale )

Set the mode register.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[in]active0=sleep 1=active
[in]autowakesee datasheet
[in]autosleepsee datasheet
[in]prescalemain clock prescalar

See page 17 of for information about the parameters

MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR on i2c bus write error

◆ mma7660_write_sleep_count()

int mma7660_write_sleep_count ( const mma7660_t * dev,
uint8_t sleep )

Write the sleep count register.

[in]devdevice descriptor
[in]sleepsleep count
MMA7660_OK on success
-MMA7660_I2C_WRITE_ERR on i2c bus write error