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ST77xx display driver

Driver for displays with a ST77xx display controller More...

Detailed Description

Driver for displays with a ST77xx display controller

The ST77xx display controller driver is a driver for small RGB displays using a ST77xx display controller. The driver supports ST7735, ST7789 and ST7796. The support of the respective controller is enabled by the corresponding module st7735, st7789 or st7796. The ST77xx controller used by a display must be specified in the board definition in parameter lcd_params_t::cntrl or as macro ST77XX_PARAM_CNTRL if the default parameter set ST77XX_PARAMS is used.

The driver communicates with the device either via an

Usually the device driver is used either for a single display with SPI serial interface or for a display with parallel MCU 8080 8-/16-bit parallel interface. However, the device driver can also be used simultaneously for multiple displays with different interfaces if several of the lcd_spi, lcd_parallel and lcd_parallel_16bit modules are enabled at the same time. In this case, please refer to the notes in lcd_params_t.

The device requires colors to be send in big endian RGB-565 format. The CONFIG_LCD_LE_MODE compile time option can switch this, but only use this when strictly necessary. This option will slow down the driver as it certainly can't use DMA anymore, every short has to be converted before transfer.


file  st77xx.h
file  st7735_internal.h
 Specific internal definitions for the ST7735 controller variant.
file  st7789_internal.h
 Specific internal definitions for the ST7789 controller variant.
file  st7796_internal.h
 Specific internal definitions for the ST7789 controller variant.
file  st77xx_internal.h
 Internal definitions that are common for all ST77xx controllers.
file  st77xx_params.h
 Default configuration for ST77xx LCD controllers.

Data Structures

struct  st77xx_t
 Device descriptor for a ST77xx display. More...


 ST7735 Customized Configuration Enable.
#define CONFIG_ST7735_AVDD   4900
 ST7735 AVDD voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7735_GVDD   4600
 ST7735 GVDD voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7735_GVCL   -4600
 ST7735 GVL voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7735_VCOM   -775
 ST7735 VCOM voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7735_VGH   14700
 ST7735 VGH voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7735_VGL   -10000
 ST7735 VGL voltage (in millivolts)
 ST7789 Customized Configuration Enable.
#define CONFIG_ST7789_AVDD   6800
 ST7789 AVDD voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7789_AVCL   -4800
 ST7789 AVCL voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7789_VCOM   900
 ST7789 VCOM voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7789_VCOM_OFFSET   0
 ST7789 VCOM voltage offset (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7789_VDV   0
 ST7789 VDV voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7789_VRH   4100
 ST7789 VRH voltage (in millivolts)
 ST7796 Customized Configuration Enable.
#define CONFIG_ST7796_AVDD   6600
 ST7796 AVDD voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7796_AVCL   -4400
 ST7796 AVCL voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7796_VCOM   1000
 ST7796 VCOM voltage (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7796_VCOM_OFFSET   0
 ST7796 VCOM voltage offset (in millivolts)
#define CONFIG_ST7796_VRH   4100
 ST7796 VRH voltage (in millivolts)


enum  { ST77XX_CNTRL_ST7735 , ST77XX_CNTRL_ST7789 , ST77XX_CNTRL_ST7796 }
 ST77xx display controller variants. More...


const lcd_driver_t lcd_st77xx_driver
 LCD device operations table.

ST77xx display rotation modes

Using a rotation mode may require the definition of ST77XX_PARAM_OFFSET_X or ST77XX_PARAM_OFFSET_Y.

Usually the dimension of an LCD is defined by W x H (width x height) in pixels, where width is the smaller dimension than height, e.g. 240 x 320 (W x H). The height is then used as parameter ST77XX_PARAM_NUM_LINES and the width as parameter ST77XX_PARAM_RGB_CHANNELS. So vertical orientation means no rotation. Vertical orientation is given when the connector is shown at the bottom of the display.

For example, the ST7789 controller supports 320 gate outputs and 240 source outputs (RGB channels). A display with a size of 240 x 320 (W x H) pixels can be used by setting ST77XX_PARAM_NUM_LINES=320 and ST77XX_PARAM_RGB_CHANNELS=240.

However, if the ST7789 is used with a display of 240 x 240 (W x H) pixels and a rotation is used, an offset must be defined for X or Y because the origin of the image will change. For example, in the case of ST77XX_ROTATION_90 an offset for X would have to be defined by ST77XX_PARAM_OFFSET_X=80 and in the case of ST77XX_ROTATION_180 an offset for Y would have to be defined by ST77XX_PARAM_OFFSET_X=80.

Using the correct offset on rotation can be even more difficult if the display size in both dimensions is smaller than the size supported by the controller. In this case, the origin can deviate from 0, 0 even without rotation.

#define ST77XX_ROTATION_VERT   0
 Vertical mode.
 Flipped vertical.
 Horizontal mode.
 Horizontal flipped.
#define ST77XX_ROTATION_0   0
 0 deg counterclockwise
#define ST77XX_ROTATION_90
 90 deg counterclockwise
#define ST77XX_ROTATION_180
 180 deg counterclockwise
#define ST77XX_ROTATION_270
 270 deg counterclockwise

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CONFIG_ST7735_AVDD   4900

ST7735 AVDD voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 4.9V is used for AVDD. Valid values must be in the range of 4500 (4.5V) to 5100 (5.1V) in steps of 100.

Definition at line 84 of file st77xx.h.



ST7735 Customized Configuration Enable.

Define CONFIG_ST7735_CUSTOM_CONFIG=1 to use customized voltage configurations. Otherwise ST7735 is using reset defaults.

Definition at line 73 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7735_GVCL   -4600

ST7735 GVL voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of -4.6V is used for GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage). Valid values must be in the range of -4700 (-4.7V) to -3150 (-3.15V) in steps of 50.

Definition at line 106 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7735_GVDD   4600

ST7735 GVDD voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 4.6V is used for GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage). Valid values must be in the range of 3150 (3.15V) to 4700 (4.7V) in steps of 50.

Definition at line 95 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7735_VCOM   -775

ST7735 VCOM voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of -0.425V is used for VCOM. VCOM needs to be adjusted to match the capacitance and performance specifications of the TFT panel to maximize contrast and minimize flickering. Valid values must be in the range of -2000 (-2.0V) to -425 (-0.425V) in steps of 25.

Definition at line 119 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7735_VGH   14700

ST7735 VGH voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 14.7V is used for VGH, the high voltage for gate drivers. Valid values must be in the range of 10000 (10V) to 15000 (15V) and in the range of (2 * AVDD + 2.1V) and (3 * AVDD + 2.4 V).

Definition at line 130 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7735_VGL   -10000

ST7735 VGL voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of -10V is used for VGL, the low voltage for gate drivers. Valid values must be in the range of -13000 (-13V) to -7500 (-7.5V) in steps of 2500.

Definition at line 141 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7789_AVCL   -4800

ST7789 AVCL voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of -4.8V is used for AVCL. Valid values must be in the range of -5000 (-5.0V) to -4400 (-4.4V) in steps of 100.

Definition at line 173 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7789_AVDD   6800

ST7789 AVDD voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 6.8V is used for AVDD. Valid values must be in the range of 6400 (6.4V) to 6800 (6.8V) in steps of 100.

Definition at line 162 of file st77xx.h.



ST7789 Customized Configuration Enable.

Define CONFIG_ST7789_CUSTOM_CONFIG=1 to use customized voltage configurations. Otherwise ST7735 is using reset defaults.

Definition at line 151 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7789_VCOM   900

ST7789 VCOM voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 0.9V is used for VCOM. VCOM needs to be adjusted to match the capacitance and performance specifications of the TFT panel to maximize contrast and minimize flickering. VCOM is used to derive the GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage) and the GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage) as follows:


Valid values must be in the range of 100 (0.1V) to 1675 (1.675V) in steps of 25.

Definition at line 192 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7789_VCOM_OFFSET   0

ST7789 VCOM voltage offset (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 0V is used for VCOM voltage offset (VCOM_OFFSET). VCOM_OFFSET is used to derive the GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage) and the GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage) as follows:


Valid values must be in the range of -800 (-0.8V) to 775 (0.775V) in steps of 25.

Definition at line 210 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7789_VDV   0

ST7789 VDV voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 0V is used for VDV. VDV is used to derive the GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage) and the GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage) as follows:


Valid values must be in the range of -800 (-0.8V) to 775 (0.775V) in steps of 25.

Definition at line 227 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7789_VRH   4100

ST7789 VRH voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 4.1V is used for VRH. VRH is used to derive the GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage) and the GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage) as follows:


Valid values must be in the range of 3350 (3.35V) to 5500 (5.5V) in steps of 50.

Definition at line 244 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7796_AVCL   -4400

ST7796 AVCL voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of -4.4V is used for AVCL. Valid values must be in the range of -5000 (-5.0V) to -4400 (-4.4V) in steps of 100.

Definition at line 276 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7796_AVDD   6600

ST7796 AVDD voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 6.6V is used for AVDD. Valid values must be in the range of 6200 (6.2V) to 6800 (6.8V) in steps of 100.

Definition at line 265 of file st77xx.h.



ST7796 Customized Configuration Enable.

Define CONFIG_ST7796_CUSTOM_CONFIG=1 to use customized voltage configurations. Otherwise ST7735 is using reset defaults.

Definition at line 254 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7796_VCOM   1000

ST7796 VCOM voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 1.0V is used for VCOM. VCOM needs to be adjusted to match the capacitance and performance specifications of the TFT panel to maximize contrast and minimize flickering. VCOM is used to derive the GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage) and the GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage) as follows:


Valid values must be in the range of 100 (0.1V) to 1875 (1.875V) in steps of 25.

Definition at line 295 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7796_VCOM_OFFSET   0

ST7796 VCOM voltage offset (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 0V is used for VCOM voltage offset (VCOM_OFFSET). VCOM_OFFSET is used to derive the GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage) and the GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage) as follows:


Valid values must be in the range of -800 (-0.8V) to 775 (0.775V) in steps of 25.

Definition at line 313 of file st77xx.h.


#define CONFIG_ST7796_VRH   4100

ST7796 VRH voltage (in millivolts)

A default voltage of 4.1V is used for VRH. VRH is used to derive the GVDD (gamma reference positive voltage) and the GVCL (gamma reference negative voltage) as follows:


Valid values must be in the range of 3350 (3.35V) to 5500 (5.5V) in steps of 50.

Definition at line 330 of file st77xx.h.


#define ST77XX_ROTATION_0   0

0 deg counterclockwise

Definition at line 373 of file st77xx.h.


#define ST77XX_ROTATION_180
Column access order.
Definition lcd.h:78
Row address order.
Definition lcd.h:77

180 deg counterclockwise

Definition at line 376 of file st77xx.h.


#define ST77XX_ROTATION_270
Row column exchange.
Definition lcd.h:79

270 deg counterclockwise

Definition at line 378 of file st77xx.h.


#define ST77XX_ROTATION_90

90 deg counterclockwise

Definition at line 374 of file st77xx.h.



Horizontal mode.

Definition at line 368 of file st77xx.h.



Horizontal flipped.

Definition at line 370 of file st77xx.h.


#define ST77XX_ROTATION_VERT   0

Vertical mode.

Definition at line 365 of file st77xx.h.



Flipped vertical.

Definition at line 366 of file st77xx.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

ST77xx display controller variants.

Definition at line 385 of file st77xx.h.