| ad7746.h |
| AD7746 Capacitance-to-digital converter with temperature sensor driver.
| adcxx1c.h |
| ADCXX1C ADC device driver.
| ads101x.h |
| ADS101x/111x ADC device driver.
| adt7310.h |
| Interface definition for the ADT7310 sensor driver.
| adxl345.h |
| Interface definition for the ADXL345.
| aip31068.h |
| apa102.h |
| Interface for controlling APA102 LEDs.
| apds99xx.h |
| arduino_pinmap.h |
| Compatibility wrapper for arduino_iomap.h .
| at.h |
| AT (Hayes) library interface.
| at24cxxx.h |
| Device driver interface for AT24CXXX EEPROM units.
| at24mac.h |
| at25xxx.h |
| Driver for the AT25xxx series of EEPROMs.
| at30tse75x.h |
| Driver for the AT30TSE75x temperature sensor with serial EEPROM.
| at86rf215.h |
| Interface definition for AT86RF215 based drivers.
| at86rf2xx.h |
| Interface definition for AT86RF2xx based drivers.
| ata8520e.h |
| Device driver for Microchip ATA8520E transceiver (Sigfox)
| atwinc15x0.h |
| Netdev Driver for the Microchip ATWINC15x0 WiFi Module.
| bh1750fvi.h |
| Interface definition for the Rohm BH1750FVI ambient light sensor.
| bh1900nux.h |
| Interface definition for the BH1900NUX temperature sensor.
| bme680.h |
| Interface definition for the Bosch BME680 sensor.
| bmp180.h |
| Device driver interface for the BMP180 sensor.
| bmx055.h |
| Device driver interface for the Bosch BMX055 9-axis sensor.
| bmx280.h |
| Device driver interface for the BMP280 and BME280 sensors.
| bq2429x.h |
| Device driver interface for the BQ2429x Single-Cell USB Charger.
| candev_mcp2515.h |
| Definition of the implementation of the CAN controller driver.
| cc110x.h |
| Interface definition for the CC1100/CC1101 driver.
| cc1xxx_common.h |
| CC110x/CC1200 adaption for Network interface API.
| cc2420.h |
| Interface definition for the CC2420 driver.
| ccs811.h |
| Device Driver for AMS CCS811 digital gas sensor.
| cst816s.h |
| Device driver interface for the CST816S touch screen.
| dac_dds.h |
| Use a DAC to play a buffer of samples.
| dcf77.h |
| Interface definition for the dcf77 sensor driver.
| dfplayer.h |
| DFPlayer Mini Device Driver.
| dht.h |
| Device driver interface for the DHT family of humidity and temperature sensors.
| diskio.h |
| disp_dev.h |
| dose.h |
| Driver for the Differentially Operated Serial Ethernet module.
| ds1307.h |
| DS1307 definitions.
| ds18.h |
| Driver for Maxim Integrated DS1822 and DS18B20 temperature sensors.
| ds3231.h |
| Interface definition for the Maxim DS3231 RTC.
| ds3234.h |
| DS3234 device driver.
| ds75lx.h |
| dsp0401.h |
| Device driver interface for the DSP0401 alphanumeric display.
| dynamixel.h |
| Interface definition for Dynamixel devices driver.
| edbg_eui.h |
| enc28j60.h |
| Interface definition for the ENC28J60 driver .
| encx24j600.h |
| Interface definition for the ENCX24J600 driver.
| epd_bw_spi.h |
| Generic black/white e-paper/e-ink display SPI driver.
| epd_bw_spi_disp_dev.h |
| Definition of the driver for the disp_dev generic interface.
| ethos.h |
| Interface definition for the ethernet-over-serial module.
| feetech.h |
| Interface definition for Feetech devices driver.
| ft5x06.h |
| fxos8700.h |
| Interface definition for the FXOS8700 sensor driver.
| gp2y10xx.h |
| GP2Y10xx device driver.
| grove_ledbar.h |
| Interface for the Grove ledbar driver.
| hd44780.h |
| Interface definition for the HD44780 LCD driver.
| hdc1000.h |
| Interface definition for the HDC1000 sensor driver.
| hih6130.h |
| Device driver for Honeywell HumidIcon Digital Humidity/Temperature Sensors: HIH-6130/6131 Series.
| hm330x.h |
| hmc5883l.h |
| hsc.h |
| Device driver interface for the HSC sensor.
| hts221.h |
| Interface definition for the ST HTS221 driver.
| ili9341.h |
| ina2xx.h |
| Device driver interface for Texas Instruments INA219/INA2XX Bi-Directional CURRENT/POWER MONITOR with Two-Wire Interface.
| ina3221.h |
| Device driver interface for Texas Instruments INA3221 three-channel, high-side current and bus voltage monitor.
| io1_xplained.h |
| Device driver interface for the Atmel IO1 Xplained extension.
| ir_nec.h |
| isl29020.h |
| Device driver interface for the ISL29020 light sensor.
| isl29125.h |
| Device driver interface for the ISL29125 RGB light sensor.
| itg320x.h |
| Device driver for InvenSense ITG320X 3-axis gyroscope.
| jc42.h |
| Driver for jc42 compliant temperature sensors.
| kw2xrf.h |
| Interface definition for the kw2xrf driver.
| kw41zrf.h |
| Interface definition for the kw41zrf driver.
| l3g4200d.h |
| Device driver interface for the L3G4200D gyroscope.
| l3gxxxx.h |
| Device Driver for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family.
| lc709203f.h |
| Device driver interface for the LC709203F Battery Fuel Gauge.
| lcd.h |
| led.h |
| Macros and inline functions for controlling the on-board LEDs.
| lis2dh12.h |
| Interface definition for the STM LIS2DH12 accelerometer.
| lis3dh.h |
| Device driver interface for the LIS3DH accelerometer.
| lis3mdl.h |
| Device driver interface for the LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer.
| lm75.h |
| Driver for the LM75 temperature sensor.
| lpd8808.h |
| Interface definition for the LPD8808 LED strip driver.
| lpsxxx.h |
| lsm303dlhc.h |
| Device driver interface for the LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer/magnetometer.
| lsm6dsxx.h |
| Device driver interface for the LSM6DSXX 3D accelerometer/gyroscope.
| ltc4150.h |
| LTC4150 coulomb counter.
| mag3110.h |
| Interface definition for the MAG3110 magnetometer driver.
| matrix_keypad.h |
| Interface definition for the matrix keypad.
| max31855.h |
| mcp47xx.h |
| mfrc522.h |
| mhz19.h |
| Interface definition for the MH-Z19 CO2 sensor driver.
| mii.h |
| Interface definition for MII/RMII h.
| mma7660.h |
| Interface definition for the MMA7660 accelerometer driver.
| mma8x5x.h |
| Interface definition for the MMA8x5x accelerometer driver.
| motor_driver.h |
| High-level driver for DC motors.
| mpl3115a2.h |
| Interface definition for the MPL3115A2 sensor driver.
| mpu9x50.h |
| Device driver interface for the MPU-9X50 (MPU9150 and MPU9250)
| mq3.h |
| Device driver interface for the MQ-3 alcohol sensor.
| mrf24j40.h |
| Interface definition for MRF24J40 based drivers .
| mtd.h |
| mtd_at24cxxx.h |
| Interface definition for at24cxxx MTD wrapper.
| mtd_default.h |
| mtd_emulated.h |
| mtd_flashpage.h |
| Interface definition for the flashpage memory driver.
| mtd_mapper.h |
| mtd_sdcard.h |
| Interface definition for the mtd_sdcard driver.
| mtd_sdmmc.h |
| Interface definition for the mtd_sdmmc driver.
| mtd_spi_nor.h |
| Interface definition for the serial flash memory driver.
| my9221.h |
| Interface for the MY9221 LED controller driver.
| ncv7356.h |
| ncv7356 generic CAN transceiver interface initialization
| nrf24l01p.h |
| nrf24l01p_ng.h |
| Public interface for NRF24L01+ (NG) devices.
| nvram-spi.h |
| Device interface for various SPI connected NVRAM.
| nvram.h |
| Generic non-volatile RAM driver interface.
| opt3001.h |
| Interface definition for the OPT3001 sensor driver.
| pca9633.h |
| pca9685.h |
| pcd8544.h |
| Interface definition for the PCD8544 LCD driver.
| pcf857x.h |
| ph_oem.h |
| Device driver for Atlas Scientific pH OEM Sensor with SMBus/I2C interface.
| pir.h |
| Device driver interface for the PIR motion sensor.
| pn532.h |
| PN532 driver.
| pulse_counter.h |
| Driver for the pulse counter.
| qmc5883l.h |
| API definition for the QMC5883L device driver.
| rn2xx3.h |
| High-level driver for the RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules.
| rtt_rtc.h |
| Additional functions provided in addition to the normal RTC API.
| saul.h |
| Definition of the generic [S]ensor [A]ctuator [U]ber [L]ayer.
| scd30.h |
| Device driver interface for the SCD30 sensor.
| screen_dev.h |
| sdcard_spi.h |
| Public interface for the sdcard_spi driver.
| sdp3x.h |
| Device driver interface for the SDP3x sensor.
| sds011.h |
| Interface for controlling SDS011 Laser Dust Sensor.
| seesaw_soil.h |
| Interface definition for the Adafruit Seesaw Soil sensor.
| servo.h |
| High-level driver for easy handling of servo motors.
| sgp30.h |
| sht1x.h |
| SHT10/SHT11/SHT15 Device Driver.
| sht2x.h |
| Device driver implementation for the SHT2x humidity and temperature humidity sensor.
| sht3x.h |
| Device Driver for Sensirion SHT30/SHT31/SHT35 Humidity and Temperature Sensors.
| shtcx.h |
| Device driver interface for the SHTCX Temperature and humidity sensor.
| si1133.h |
| Device driver interface for the Si1133 sensor.
| si114x.h |
| Device driver interface for the Si114x sensors family.
| si70xx.h |
| Interface definition of the Si70xx driver.
| slipdev.h |
| SLIP device definitions.
| sm_pwm_01c.h |
| SM_PWM_01C Device Driver.
| soft_spi.h |
| Software SPI port descriptor definition.
| soft_uart.h |
| Software UART port descriptor definition.
| sps30.h |
| Driver for the Sensirion SPS30 Particulate Matter Sensor.
| srf02.h |
| Driver definitions for the SRF02 ultrasonic ranger.
| srf04.h |
| Device driver for the srf04 ultra sonic range finder.
| srf08.h |
| Driver definitions for the SRF02 ultrasonic ranger.
| st77xx.h |
| stm32_eth.h |
| stmpe811.h |
| sx126x.h |
| sx127x.h |
| Public interface for SX127X driver.
| sx1280.h |
| tcs37727.h |
| Interface definition for the TCS37727 sensor driver.
| tja1042.h |
| tja1042 generic CAN transceiver interface initialization
| tmp00x.h |
| Interface definition for the TMP00X sensor driver.
| touch_dev.h |
| touch_dev_gestures.h |
| tps6274x.h |
| Device driver interface for the TPS6274x DC-DC Converter.
| tsl2561.h |
| Device driver interface for the illuminance TSL2561 sensor.
| tsl4531x.h |
| Device driver for the AMS TSL4531 sensor.
| usbdev_mock.h |
| usbdev_synopsys_dwc2.h |
| Low level USB FS/HS driver definitions for MCUs with Synopsys DWC2 IP core.
| vcnl40x0.h |
| Device driver interface for the VCNL40X0 sensors family.
| veml6070.h |
| Device driver interface for the VEML6070 UV sensor.
| vl6180x.h |
| w5100.h |
| Interface definition for the W5100 device driver.
| w5500.h |
| Interface definition for the W5500 device driver.
| ws281x.h |
| WS2812/SK6812 RGB LED Driver.
| xbee.h |
| High-level driver for the XBee S1 802.15.4 modem.