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 AD7746 Capacitance-to-digital converter with temperature sensor driver.
 ADCXX1C ADC device driver.
 ADS101x/111x ADC device driver.
 Interface definition for the ADT7310 sensor driver.
 Interface definition for the ADXL345.
 Interface for controlling APA102 LEDs.
 Compatibility wrapper for arduino_iomap.h.
 AT (Hayes) library interface.
 Device driver interface for AT24CXXX EEPROM units.
 Driver for the AT25xxx series of EEPROMs.
 Driver for the AT30TSE75x temperature sensor with serial EEPROM.
 Interface definition for AT86RF215 based drivers.
 Interface definition for AT86RF2xx based drivers.
 Device driver for Microchip ATA8520E transceiver (Sigfox)
 Netdev Driver for the Microchip ATWINC15x0 WiFi Module.
 Interface definition for the Rohm BH1750FVI ambient light sensor.
 Interface definition for the BH1900NUX temperature sensor.
 Interface definition for the Bosch BME680 sensor.
 Device driver interface for the BMP180 sensor.
 Device driver interface for the Bosch BMX055 9-axis sensor.
 Device driver interface for the BMP280 and BME280 sensors.
 Device driver interface for the BQ2429x Single-Cell USB Charger.
 Definition of the implementation of the CAN controller driver.
 Interface definition for the CC1100/CC1101 driver.
 CC110x/CC1200 adaption for Network interface API.
 Interface definition for the CC2420 driver.
 Device Driver for AMS CCS811 digital gas sensor.
 Device driver interface for the CST816S touch screen.
 Use a DAC to play a buffer of samples.
 Interface definition for the dcf77 sensor driver.
 DFPlayer Mini Device Driver.
 Device driver interface for the DHT family of humidity and temperature sensors.
 Driver for the Differentially Operated Serial Ethernet module.
 DS1307 definitions.
 Driver for Maxim Integrated DS1822 and DS18B20 temperature sensors.
 Interface definition for the Maxim DS3231 RTC.
 DS3234 device driver.
 Device driver interface for the DSP0401 alphanumeric display.
 Interface definition for Dynamixel devices driver.
 Interface definition for the ENC28J60 driver .
 Interface definition for the ENCX24J600 driver.
 Generic black/white e-paper/e-ink display SPI driver.
 Definition of the driver for the disp_dev generic interface.
 Interface definition for the ethernet-over-serial module.
 Interface definition for Feetech devices driver.
 Interface definition for the FXOS8700 sensor driver.
 GP2Y10xx device driver.
 Interface for the Grove ledbar driver.
 Interface definition for the HD44780 LCD driver.
 Interface definition for the HDC1000 sensor driver.
 Device driver for Honeywell HumidIcon Digital Humidity/Temperature Sensors: HIH-6130/6131 Series.
 Device driver interface for the HSC sensor.
 Interface definition for the ST HTS221 driver.
 Device driver interface for Texas Instruments INA219/INA2XX Bi-Directional CURRENT/POWER MONITOR with Two-Wire Interface.
 Device driver interface for Texas Instruments INA3221 three-channel, high-side current and bus voltage monitor.
 Device driver interface for the Atmel IO1 Xplained extension.
 Device driver interface for the ISL29020 light sensor.
 Device driver interface for the ISL29125 RGB light sensor.
 Device driver for InvenSense ITG320X 3-axis gyroscope.
 Driver for jc42 compliant temperature sensors.
 Interface definition for the kw2xrf driver.
 Interface definition for the kw41zrf driver.
 Device driver interface for the L3G4200D gyroscope.
 Device Driver for ST L3Gxxxx 3-axis gyroscope sensor family.
 Device driver interface for the LC709203F Battery Fuel Gauge.
 Macros and inline functions for controlling the on-board LEDs.
 Interface definition for the STM LIS2DH12 accelerometer.
 Device driver interface for the LIS3DH accelerometer.
 Device driver interface for the LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer.
 Driver for the LM75 temperature sensor.
 Interface definition for the LPD8808 LED strip driver.
 Device driver interface for the LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer/magnetometer.
 Device driver interface for the LSM6DSXX 3D accelerometer/gyroscope.
 LTC4150 coulomb counter.
 Interface definition for the MAG3110 magnetometer driver.
 Interface definition for the matrix keypad.
 Interface definition for the MH-Z19 CO2 sensor driver.
 Interface definition for MII/RMII h.
 Interface definition for the MMA7660 accelerometer driver.
 Interface definition for the MMA8x5x accelerometer driver.
 High-level driver for DC motors.
 Interface definition for the MPL3115A2 sensor driver.
 Device driver interface for the MPU-9X50 (MPU9150 and MPU9250)
 Device driver interface for the MQ-3 alcohol sensor.
 Interface definition for MRF24J40 based drivers .
 Interface definition for at24cxxx MTD wrapper.
 Interface definition for the flashpage memory driver.
 Interface definition for the mtd_sdcard driver.
 Interface definition for the mtd_sdmmc driver.
 Interface definition for the serial flash memory driver.
 Interface for the MY9221 LED controller driver.
 ncv7356 generic CAN transceiver interface initialization
 Public interface for NRF24L01+ (NG) devices.
 Device interface for various SPI connected NVRAM.
 Generic non-volatile RAM driver interface.
 Interface definition for the OPT3001 sensor driver.
 Interface definition for the PCD8544 LCD driver.
 Device driver for Atlas Scientific pH OEM Sensor with SMBus/I2C interface.
 Device driver interface for the PIR motion sensor.
 PN532 driver.
 Driver for the pulse counter.
 API definition for the QMC5883L device driver.
 High-level driver for the RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules.
 Additional functions provided in addition to the normal RTC API.
 Definition of the generic [S]ensor [A]ctuator [U]ber [L]ayer.
 Device driver interface for the SCD30 sensor.
 Public interface for the sdcard_spi driver.
 Device driver interface for the SDP3x sensor.
 Interface for controlling SDS011 Laser Dust Sensor.
 Interface definition for the Adafruit Seesaw Soil sensor.
 High-level driver for easy handling of servo motors.
 SHT10/SHT11/SHT15 Device Driver.
 Device driver implementation for the SHT2x humidity and temperature humidity sensor.
 Device Driver for Sensirion SHT30/SHT31/SHT35 Humidity and Temperature Sensors.
 Device driver interface for the SHTCX Temperature and humidity sensor.
 Device driver interface for the Si1133 sensor.
 Device driver interface for the Si114x sensors family.
 Interface definition of the Si70xx driver.
 SLIP device definitions.
 SM_PWM_01C Device Driver.
 Software SPI port descriptor definition.
 Software UART port descriptor definition.
 Driver for the Sensirion SPS30 Particulate Matter Sensor.
 Driver definitions for the SRF02 ultrasonic ranger.
 Device driver for the srf04 ultra sonic range finder.
 Driver definitions for the SRF02 ultrasonic ranger.
 Public interface for SX127X driver.
 Interface definition for the TCS37727 sensor driver.
 tja1042 generic CAN transceiver interface initialization
 Interface definition for the TMP00X sensor driver.
 Device driver interface for the TPS6274x DC-DC Converter.
 Device driver interface for the illuminance TSL2561 sensor.
 Device driver for the AMS TSL4531 sensor.
 Low level USB FS/HS driver definitions for MCUs with Synopsys DWC2 IP core.
 Device driver interface for the VCNL40X0 sensors family.
 Device driver interface for the VEML6070 UV sensor.
 Interface definition for the W5100 device driver.
 Interface definition for the W5500 device driver.
 WS2812/SK6812 RGB LED Driver.
 High-level driver for the XBee S1 802.15.4 modem.