pub unsafe extern "C" fn gnrc_netif_create(
netif: *mut gnrc_netif_t,
stack: *mut c_char,
stacksize: c_int,
priority: c_char,
name: *const c_char,
dev: *mut netdev_t,
ops: *const gnrc_netif_ops_t,
) -> c_int
Expand description
@brief Creates a network interface
@param[out] netif The interface. May not be NULL
@param[in] stack The stack for the network interface’s thread.
@param[in] stacksize Size of @p stack.
@param[in] priority Priority for the network interface’s thread.
@param[in] name Name for the network interface. May be NULL.
@param[in] dev Device for the interface.
@param[in] ops Operations for the network interface.
@note If @ref DEVELHELP is defined netif_params_t::name is used as the name of the network interface’s thread.
@return 0 on success @return negative number on error