pub unsafe extern "C" fn gnrc_ipv6_nib_pl_set(
iface: c_uint,
pfx: *const ipv6_addr_t,
pfx_len: c_uint,
valid_ltime: u32,
pref_ltime: u32,
) -> c_int
Expand description
@brief Adds (or updates) prefix to NIB
@pre (pfx != NULL)
@param[in] iface Interface @p pfx is valid on.
@param[in] pfx The prefix. May not be a link-local prefix or a
multicast address and its first @p pfx_len bits
may not be 0. Must not be NULL
@param[in] pfx_len Length of @p pfx in bits.
Condition @p pfx_len > 0 must hold.
@param[in] valid_ltime Lifetime (in ms) until prefix expires from now.
UINT32_MAX for infinite lifetime. Addresses with
expired prefixes are removed from @p iface.
@param[in] pref_ltime Lifetime (in ms) until prefix deprecates from now.
UINT32_MAX for infinite lifetime. Addresses with
deprecated prefixes should not be used for new
communication. Only applications with difficulty
changing to another address without service
disruption should use deprecated addresses. May not
be greater then @p valid_ltime.
@return 0, on success. @return -EINVAL, if @p pfx was fe80::` or multicast, @p pfx_len was == 0, the first @p pfx_len bits of @ pfx were 0, or if pref_ltime > valid_ltime. @return -ENOMEM, if no space was left in the prefix list.